Time to go back to University [EN/FR]

in #blog6 years ago


(University of Caen)

It's time to be back to my University in Caen, a new academic year is starting and a lot of stuff are about to happen... I'll keep some mystery because everything is not sure yet, but little by little I'll tell you. But you still can find some clues on my photo ...

Il est temps de retourner à la fac de Caen, une nouvelle année commence et beaucoup de choses vont se passer… Je garderai un peu de mystère parce que tout n'est pas encore sûr, mais petit à petit je vous le dirai. Mais vous pouvez quand même trouver quelques indices sur ma photo...


This morning, as at the beginning of each school year, we had the presentation of the new courses and the program for the next semester ... And it's my turn to present to you what awaits you on my blog in the weeks to come!

Ce matin, comme à chaque début d'année scolaire, nous avons eu droit à la présentation des nouveaux cours et au programme du semestre à venir... Et donc c'est à mon tour de vous présenter ce qui vous attend sur mon blog dans les semaines à venir !

Capture d’écran 2018-09-17 à 19.36.36.jpg

  • One day in Brussels / Une journée à Bruxelles
  • Two days in Frankfurt / Deux jours à Francfort
  • Holydays in Bari / Vacances à Bari
  • Scotland Tour / Tour d'Écosse
  • D-Day Experience / Plages du Débarquement en Normandie
  • A weekend in Paris / Un week-end à Paris
  • And to thank you for the fidelity that you have to the articles of my blog, I will reveal you one of the mysterious projects on which I work. Last week I met a close friend who lived for a year in Argentina and we are currently working on an article where she will tell us about her year, her travels and discoveries in Latin America (Machu Pichu, Bolivia, etc.) just for you. I hope you will like it !

    Et pour vous remercier de la fidélité que vous portez aux articles de mon blog, je vais vous révéler un des petits projets mystérieux sur lequel je travaille. La semaine dernière j'ai retrouvé une amie proche qui a vécu pendant un an en Argentine et nous travaillons actuellement sur un article où elle nous parlera de son année, ses voyages et ses découvertes en Amérique latine (Machu Pichu, Bolivie, etc...) rien que pour vous. J'espère que cela vous plaira !


    I just realize you are in the University of Caen. Long time ago I was cooperating with one of my first "intern" on "project ariane" (moteur de recherche a abstraction sémantique). We started to cooperate earlier on the ICH team (Internetional Hackers Consortium) and made together the first website of the European School of Brussels 1, then afterward went at the IUT of Caen and started "Ariane" with the IUT. So much good memories that your post brought back! Caen has amazing students getting out of their University! I can't wait to cooperate with you when you'll join us! =)

    friend of mine is bordeaux or how ever it is spelled also to make her master of whatever there^^

    I'm happy that I brought you back good memories! I really like this city and it offers a lot of opportunities for student like me :)

    Nice post, looking forward to have you back in Vienna next year! :)

    I'm thinking about it everyday!! Can't wait :)

    We are so happy that you are part of @opt2o soon! :)

    Your University looks nice, excited to see more of what you are doing in Caen! ;)

    I'll spend my days in class and at the library to be ready as much as possible for my future internship ;)

    We are looking forward to have you around with your amazing competences to lead the @globalschool program at the European and International level during your internship with @opt2o next year! :)

    I'm looking forward as well, it's a real pleasure for me to take part of the @globalschool program :)

    Nice meeting you, @bertille-aa!

    Those days are long gone, for me. I wouldn't have the patience for classes, exams and all of that nowadays.

    I wish you all the best and hope you finish your studies with remarkable grades!

    PS: I have found your post because @zorank suggested your article on his entry for The Pay It Forward Contest

    Nice meeting you too @trincowski!

    I still like University, but I can't wait for working and learning more and more different things :)

    Oh great! Thank you for mentioning it, I'll take a look at it ;)

    Always exciting to start something new. I wish you much luck with the coming year.
    I found your blog because you were featured by @zorank in this weeks pay it forward curation contest

    Thank you a lot, that's nice of you :)

    This is quite interesting story. @zorank brings me here. He featured your post in payitforward curation contest.

    Thank you for following the suggestion of @zorank and welcome here :)

    Dropping by and supporting your post @bertille-aa, due to the entry of it, by @zorank, into our Pay It Forward Community's weekly curation contest. As part of the @pifc community, we would encourage you to check into it.

    "It's time to be back to my University in Caen, a new academic year is starting and a lot of stuff are about to happen"

    I remember that time of year! They are both fond memories and then ones I am also thankful I no longer have to repeat. While it helps define who you are, once graduated, you will be "on your way" in the big, wide world. And, if anything like me, never look back ...

    All the best to you in your new school year and pushing through to graduation.

    Thank you for your effort here to add value to our Steem blockchain!

    Thank you for dropping by @roleerob! I know that the student time is a pretty nice moment in a life, but I'm looking forward to go in the big, wide world as you say :)

    aaahh @bertille-aa .. you made me curious about you university life and projects, I think it must be something precious and amazing. I can see how busy you will be on creating the blog posts based on the list.. wonderful pictures too and I hope you'll happy during the lecturing day.. aahh it's a long forgotten story that I've never missed till today, university life.
    found your post through @zorank entry post to the pay it forward contest this week.. Keep Steem it Up!

    Thank you for your nice comment and for coming here dear @cicisaja! It's a compliment to say that I made you curious with my post! I'm going to be busy enough, but it's always a pleasure for me to have lots of things to do. Hope you'll like my next articles :)

    Would love to read it @bertille-aa, write more than 200 words then😉 well.. marketfriday is going tobe one of my favourite tag now.

    @bertille-aa, te felicito por tu post, llegue, a este post, por @zorank , esta participando en el concurso de curaduría Pay it Forward, un abrazo.

    Muchas gracias por tu comentario, es un placer para mi! :)

    Hi @bertile-aa! It's always exciting to when a new semesters starts, I am a few years beyond that LOL. I like what you have coming up, excited to hear about your adventures.

    As you know @zorank featured you in this week's @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest. This contest is open to everyone, if you get the time please take a look and consider joining in from time to time. It's a great way to get seen and showoff friends.

    hello! I'm going to Europe in December!