INTRO: Some of you sure know me by now by Gaming on DLIVE but some of you also may know me because I like to turn to the Spiritual side of life.
I'm not religious in any way because religion is merely a small part of that which contains true spirituality. And true spirituality is merely being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be, it has nothing really to do with eating right, or respect towards life forms.
Being who you wanna be in its own right is true spirituality.
But I saw a video the other day and I realized that we are closer than ever before to major changes on our planet, not only economically but full on mental changes that will carry us forward for the next 40 years.
I have said many times before that I have had personal ET (Extra-terrestrial) contact with humanoid species in the year 2010, This obviously changed my life, I have been waiting so long since that time to see a world come together in a way that is accepting of the fact that there are life forms out there that have amazingly good intentions toward us.
I have also said that around 2025 there would be a window of opportunity for something amazing to occur, although the 2025 window has been pushed towards 2027 this still is only 9 Years away!! It's coming fast!!
So without further ado, I would like to host a small show for people interested in asking Questions during the ET Talk Stream And we will talk about what I know and what I have come to know after all these years of being involved and connected to forms of life outside of our world. And where I see things heading for us as a collective.
So The Talk Show will Take place Saturday 11 August @2PM GMT+2
Please post a comment if you are gonna be there so I can estimate how big the crowd is gonna be :)
I hope to see you Next Week ;)
I would like to join the talk show!