Thanks for sharing @cryptopal and yeah well it's hard to comprehend right, I mean it's a big place... and the universe is but a speck of dirt compared to the sea of consciousness that is really out there.
And I actually remembered something many many years ago I was flying within a different universe and apparently I had heard about this one and decided to check it out. this prob was billions of years ago but for some reason, I remember this!!
And I can't even tell you how fast I was flying, the speed of light would be extremely slow compared to how fast I was going and through how many black holes I went, and the turns I took and dimensions I crossed it was amazing! let alone the colors that to this day remain unnameable to me, like its def beyond our understanding in this limiting form at this time.
But those that don't believe is all fine it's up to them. ;)
It's just exciting to me that day by day as i meditate more and more and learn more and more i begin to get a deeper, better, greater, fuller understanding about it all :)
Wow, that is exciting to hear! @beyondthecrypto. Wishing you well in your journeys & endeavors!