Basketball on a late summer night.
My friends and I used to play a lot of basketball on the street way later than we should've gotten away with when we were kids. It seems things have come full circle.
We found a nice little park to get a quick couple of games in.Β
It wasn't the best lighting in world, but we tough it out for the sake of competition.Β
I went out there and got my body moving around, felt pretty good. When we go out there, I mainly just work on whatever new skills I may be trying to develop at the time. We do turn the intensity up at certain points in the game, but unless we have someone else who wants to run a game with us we'll play just hard enough to work on some of the basics of our skills.Β
Lots of fun...
Sometimes my healthy gets a little dirty.
Not to worry though, it's nothing that can't be taken care of with a little bit of antibacterial hand soap...
I even managed to pick up couple of bags of carrots on the way home. Having roast tomorrow and I love extra carrots.Β
Nah I wish, I've never really worked at it though.
That gif is sick!
good article , i like it
I've only been on steem for a week but I'm already loving it. As soon as I get to understand it more thoroughly I will definitely promote in anyway I can. @bigtakosensei
That's a good way to go about it. I just like to share whatever I can on here. It really is amazing some of the stuff that you can do on here. And the fact that it works so smoothly...
Can't beat it.
It's been awhile since I stepped on the court. We played in many cities! Maybe 0ne of these days we will get a chance to step on the court ;)
It would be epic, We've got to get that figured out