So. I got here following a bit of a rabbit trail (I think I'm not gone down the rabbit hole-yet) posted by your fan @por500bolos in the weekend-engagement post for this week.
You are a better man than me. I'm darn near 70 years old and just don't have time to suffer fools anymore.
I have a really good friend that is a FE guy. When I found out I explained to him in detail (using action words) that we did not want to discuss that aspect or I'd be off like a prom dress. I don't care what anybody believes any more than I care about race, creed, color, sexual orientation or politics (I'm sure I forgot a couple, I don't give a shit about them, either). Just don't expect me to treat easily disprobable items as fact. Get 30 feet above the water on the ocean and you can easily see the curve.
Anyway, I respect what you do and love that there is a place like that. I'll try checking it out. No promises I'll be there for over one minute but I also think it's really important. Free and unabridged speech.