The five diseases indicate that the eyes shiver

in #blog7 years ago

Many people say, the right eyes of the boys and the left eyes of the girls shudder or the good signs. And the reverse is the danger. There is no basis for this saying in the present era, these are just prejudices. Eyesight specialist Bart Dobo said that often the eyesight indicates some physical disorders. Let's not know what exactly is the eyeball shivering - 1. Stress comes in everyone's life. But its response is different. If the eye shakes from the stress, then breathe loudly at that time. If you need yoga to survive from stress. You can also spend time with friends or favorite pets. 2. Although there is not enough sleep in the day to day, but the eyelids move. 3. Excessive amount of tea, coffee, chocolate and soft drinks also shake the eyelashes. So gradually reduce them to eat. 4. Those who have problems with Dry Eye, they also have eyelids. Dry Ai is a problem with laptop, computer use, wearing contact lenses or playing a special diet regularly. They should get advice from the doctor soon. 5. If you change your eyes, quickly change the glasses. There is also pressure on the eyes of computer, mobile use, watching TV or reading books in low light throughout the day. As a result, the eyelids shiver. Follow the '20-20-20 rules' when using a computer or smartphone. Remove eyes from computer every 20 minutes. Take a 20-foot distance to 20 seconds.


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