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RE: When politics are Worse Than a Bad Movie

in #blog6 years ago

You are speaking of some imaginary conflict where there are two rational parties.

I do not agree with that premise.

Now, lets us look at times in history where the left/socialist/communists have won. Every time, massive numbers of conservatives were killed off just after the change in power, AND THEN billions of people died due to starvation.

This time, we are talking about a very technologically advanced nation that has a very intricate and complex structure that keeps everyone alive.
Conservatives do almost all of the jobs that keep that structure intact and food, electricity and water flowing. Seriously, there are almost no leftist in this group.

So, left wins, kills off all the conservatives, and then almost everyone in the cities dies.

I guess you are correct... not EVERYONE dies. Just 90% of the people.

So... compromise, hmmm?

Show me a compromise position on abortion.


You are speaking of some imaginary conflict where there are two rational parties.

I am speaking of people in general, where there are various ideological views that contrast one another and the optimal solution to any issue is to find the middle ground between the extremes. I don't really think its a black and white issue.

So, left wins, kills off all the conservatives, and then almost everyone in the cities dies.

I mean... I am not sure where you get this view from. It's interesting to me that you think this way, but I can't really see where you are coming from.

Conservatives do almost all of the jobs that keep that structure intact and food, electricity and water flowing.


If you are referring to the US there are three major groups of people. Far right conservatives, right of center conservatives, and left of center (though the centrists both right and left of center are hardly representative of the extremes). There really isn't any sizable left, even the 'extremes' like Bernie Sanders is pretty centrist relative to the left of the remainder of the world.

Show me a compromise position on abortion.

People keep their abortions and also get to keep their guns. There nobody is happy.
