Do you remember General President Eisenhower's farewell speech?
He tried to warn us that there was a faction of the govern-cement that didn't follow the president. That when Eisenhower went to see what was really found at Roswell he was told to bugger off.
Imagine that.
Now, if Kokesh gets elected, then there will be lots of information that will not be released, because they do not follow the president.
Great point! However, without a government to issue these spooks their paychecks, eventually those documents will come out too. Or at least thats my theory! :)
Both yes and no.
There indeed will be many disclosures. But many of these organizations have their own funding.
It depends on where the elite pull back to. What will they try to guard the most?
And alien contact is just a matter of time.
You see, this planet has free choice.
And so, in order for their to be widespread alien contact, most of the people have to believe / want alien contact.
If you want evidence yourself, get a pair of night vision binoculars. See Clif High for specs.
Then you can watch it happening above you (as long as you are away from city lights)
Further, there have been so many alien craft sighting reported all over the world.
The only thing left is for The New York Crimes to stop stonewalling.