Well, you are not wrong, but you are also not correct.
Voting with the intention of creating a better future helps better futures come about.
Similar to praying. It may not seem like it has an affect, but boy does it.
The problem isn't so much the voting, it is the entire structure that has as its visible end, voting.
The people that own The US have place their people in most positions of power. How on earth can the Skull & Bones Society have more than one The US president from their members? Its statistically impossible.
However, if you understand its the same group of people, (yeah they changed their last names, but check out their photos) then you understand that voting is a con game. That voting is made to look like "the people" have power.
And since it looks like they have power, they go along with the election results.
Now... Chump was never supposed to be elected. What does that say about the efficacy of voting? We now have a wild card in office.
Further, the govern-cement is going to continue to get better as more people become aware of the con game. As more people demand transparency. As more people demand keeping promises.
Imagine a world where politicians are held responsible for their promises. Its coming.
The intention behind an action makes a difference in the world, but no matter what the intent, a vote mostly serves to perpetuate the existing corrupted systems.
They don't like it, but lots of people are seeing some transparency in government already. In the same way that everyone knows that pro TV Wrestling is staged theatrics, it's more obvious lately that politics is similarly staged, made for tv tabloid garbage. Has been that way all along, all theater, a show. The government is just a public relations department for the military industry anyway, in charge of entertainment and distraction mostly.