Divinity or Limitation?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

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Everyone is everything and nothing but yet who are and what is may be subjective

When we choose to let our empowerment become our walls we limit our growth

Divine feminine
Divine masculine

These traits are within us all

umbrella statements create hostile environments for everyone who doesnt fit

Its important we dont cast judgement based on stereotypes - men this or women that or whites this or blacks that or muslims this or jews that so on and so forth Everyone is different and we are blessed w this fact as well.

Being accountable for our choices , the feelings we choose to respond to and how we respond, the state of mind and gut health we choose to operate at = recipe for success/enlightenment/happiness or of course inconsistencys and lack ofs are recipes for falling short of success

Healing ourselves is the answer
Love is the key


Yes for sure the world has changed....each of us must find our balance of yin and yang..within ourselves...and then help the world find balance.....balance is the key here...working together male and female towards a better way....

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

😂 this is hilarious thanks for investing your energy into nourishing your content with my happiness
