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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/27/17> Fishing the streams and ponds of Steemit…

in #blog7 years ago

i would love a real time app like you are referring to. hope you find it.
it is amazing how fast time can go exploring aspects of steemit. i get a bit overwhelmed at times and just revert back to simple plonk plonking of the key board and post. fancy markdowns and gifs, upvote bidding, bot trails, voting guilds, invite only chat rooms, flag wars, account mining, scam cans, and app plugs...damn...time to go fishing is right.


Yes, for the most part I'm a plonker myself. I like knowing what is available even if I have no need for it, this is just pure curiosity on how many are actually on when I'm on.