Boy that was quick. So quick- it was flagged before It could even be READ.
I just got put on a lot of SHITLISTS- for AUTOMATIC FLAGGNG-
Because I made a Post - Questioning The True Story Of The Parkland Florida School Shooting.
Was there a School shoooting- YES.
Were people killed- Yes
Is the Mainstream Media TELLING US the 100% True Story? - I doubt it. I posted some "ALTERNATIVE VIEWS."
For this I'm now on Shitlists with "BOTS" automatically flagging me - the second I hit the POST BUTTON!
Steemit- It's Full of CENSORSHIP.
Anyway- My response- THANK YOU.
No - Sincerely - Thank You. Why- because I'm an addict. I just can't seem to stop myself from making posts. AND IT IS TAKING UP TOOOOOOOO MUCH OF MY PRECIOUS TIME.
So Thanks to all the Motherfuckers & Pieces Shit- who put my on the Bots for Automatic Flagging. I really do mean it. Now I can Stop wasting my time Posting - & go MAKE $$$$$$$$$$$ Trading Crypto.
Time to go get me some of that "MAGIC INTERNET MONEY" "Crypto-currency"- while the getting is good- before the gig bows up.
The Flaggers- May you eat shit & die.
To The Readers - Thanks For Reading, Peace Out & Take Care. My Sincere & Genuine Regards to All Subscribers.
@jdc whatever is left in the wallet I'm transferring to you- go get yourself some litecoin.
I'm going to go play "GAME OF COINS" now & Get CRYPTO RICH.
You have been added to the @iflagtrash shitlist for abusing the network. Enjoy.
Looks like blooms big brother has a crush on you now, lol.
Litecoin! You got it!
Good luck out there @caladium! Let me know how it goes!