Our Last Stand | Report #4 | How long can the Con go on?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


owon_logo_short_100.png | One World of Nations | Our Last Stand | Report #4

State of Affairs

Each week ever more information hits the internet exposing the ruthless and reckless Cabal control of America, which not only endangers global stability, but also those nations of the world naïve enough to have allowed over 900 Global bases to be set up protecting the Cabals US Energy or Commodities interests, and threat positions to surrounding Sovereign nations. Sitting Ducks!

Be in no doubt, if conflict erupts, each of those bases are nuclear targets. Most are Must Hit Nuclear Missile pinpointed. Nowhere will be safe or survive. The world has allowed this reckless US Cabal mass proliferation and it’s ever growing. Any countries allowing US bases are asking for obliteration with these Gung Ho madmen in control. Yet all the while, looking on, looking in, we see a nation willing to wage war on the planet for profit, but unwilling to settle its long overdue redemption debts, or to release the currencies of Iraq, Vietnam and others from bondage. This nation has released only havoc on the world ever since its ruthless mass genocide of Native Americans to the present day. War is profit, as they profit from death. Who dies for American lies?

Be assured of one thing, nothing can or will go forward without China and the Elders backing, and with the ever more stressful Chinese frustrations with Obama, it’s only a matter of time before they do launch their Gold backed Yuan, and once that happens, the demand for both return of Sovereign Nations physical Gold product, and run on USD will Butt slam the US into a Global tail spin. Don’t be surprised if the price for help to delay, is a Chinese pre-condition for O to go away! His belligerence is causing Tsunamis of Diplomatic offense, and he still doesn’t get that he’s now a one legged man in an Ass Kicking contest. US Constitutional changes may be channeling with a rocky road ahead.

The Nuclear Chess Game

Pakistan, the source of so much Global Islamic Terrorism, is now ever expanding its Nuclear Armaments. Yet Iran is denied a Nuclear Program?

Which means then so does India to counterbalance it, and as India is a Chinese potential enemy, so does China to counter India. In turn evermore are threatening Japan and its plethora of US bases. All prime nuclear targets. As NATO more intensely encircles Russia, aided also by US Weapons and financial support for the Nazi regime in Ukraine mass slaughtering its own, we need to remember that over 20 million Russians alone died fighting the WW II Nazis, with countless more in the Gulags. Stalin ruthlessly purged the nations with mass genocide. As Ukraine does now. It seems we have learned nothing. Russia has the scars to show.

Lavrov seems the only accomplished and intelligent Foreign Minister on the Global stage attempting to engender reason. America's limp excuse, Kerry, ridiculed for his wig and airhead tendencies, seems incapable of understanding his complete lack of moral authority, and ever deteriorating credibility. Yet he and the Zionist controlled shambles of a White House, continue to deny nuclear developments to a nation State with the history of Iran, while standing aside like a sterile mutant, as Pakistan, home and funders of the Taliban, and Drugs Clearers to Afghanistan, use their ever growing income from the heroin trade, protected by US troops guarding the Poppy Fields. Part of the income buys evermore weapons to kill Allied Troops in Afghanistan. It kills a growing numbers of kids in America, contributing also to crime and social deprivation Stateside. It’s the Terrorist training homeland for extremists who will globally proliferate next. The Agencies are happy to ignore it, more power to them and greater budgets. Who cares about morality, and how can a nation lacking Culture ever understand?

Yet Israel gets away with murder and ruthlessly practice it. With no media to expose their genocide who controls this Pariah state? How convenient. Why does this vicious collective of mass murdering Kazak’s have Nukes as unstable as they are? Yet they deny Iran, but allow Pakistan?

But the Bankers get richer, and it funds more US Contractors boots on the ground, at huge cost and Cabal profits. What are human lives compared to fast bucks? The Bankers are happy, the Military get more toys for the boys, Israel gets away with more of its Machiavellian chicanery as it murders its way through Palestine and seeks to sequestrate evermore neighboring lands in power grabs. Yet Iran is denied a nuclear capability. Why, because it then counters Israel’s ability to annihilate its neighbors and extort? Russia and China will supply Iran weapons for self-defense against Nutter Yahoo tyranny. What then?

The Zionist Monopoly

Why are 80% plus of Congressmen signed up and funded by Israel, UNLAWFULLY swearing allegiance to this Ghoulish State for part funding them, or be media ostracized by the predatory Zionist control of all MSM outlets, who manipulate truth and elections to suit Zionist needs. For which, since when does paying a few tens of millions to bribe Congressmen, in return for vast Billions shoveled out to Israel each year, make economic sense to Tax Paying Americans? When will this “Israeli RACKET “ be stopped, ALL CONGRESSMEN made to declare Election Funders, and Zionist Lobbies prohibited from Electoral Funding Programs geared to assist a Foreign State? When will Media Licenses be reviewed, revoked from abuse, and the Zionist Monopoly repealed, with management of the Media, and truth returned to the people under supervision of the people? Israel and Zionists are bleeding America dry.

So who elected the US to play God? Yet a state like Pakistan, generating world terrorism, drug fueling America and Europe, and soon about to cross infect China, remains impervious to controls. Why harm the drugs trade and Military budgets? Jobs for the boys. While the Zionist Lobby buys the American vote, dominates Congress with funding control, retains a stranglehold on all Federal Reserve, US Treasury and Banking institutions, and is impervious to reality. Protect the Zionist Zoo at all cost, and who cares if the rest is lost. A path to madness. As is ever more visible in global escalation. America has become a very sick Pariah State itself. Ask the world. Look in the Mirror! As the world dies for more Zionist lies. Why wage Global war for this duplicitous Cult Whore? When does America get its wake up call, as the missiles reign down? Conflict risk ever increases.

Can Lavrov have been more eloquently clear relating to Russia’s ever growing deserved concerns of the sheer escalation of US bases surrounding its nation? The consequence of which has now resulted in a combined Non-Military Aggression Treaty between Russia and China, and a joint escalation of more advanced weapons programs, shared weapons developments R& D Programs, and evermore joint Military exercises for both Defense and attack. Even to the point of Russia having openly admitted now they are actively ready for their own Pre-Emptive strike if pushed. Be in No Doubt, MANY Senior, Intelligent and highly experienced Soviet Military Commanders are of Hawk Mentality and willing to attack the US and its Global bases anytime ordered. Memories of WW II remain deeply embedded. They have seen the consequences of Global US proliferation. Wars, Drugs, Banking Chicanery and a highly criminalized US Political system. To them, America is on a par with Hitler and consequential risks. Yet the US public, denied truth and reality, are cocooned into a US Welfare State of mindless ignorance, denied truth by a duplicitous and conniving Zionist Rat Pack media, and impervious to the heightening risks of reckless US escalation of freedoms.

Hagel has quit his oversight role, appalled and dismayed by his own perception of visible Policy errors and needless risk. The White House sits cocooned in a vice grip of Zionist, Military Cabal and Banking control. Each with parasitic agendas. Each the ever growing cause of Global problems and impervious to reality. They operate complicit in ignorance, with their self-serving take all agenda. Policies are not sustainable, and the economy, the Golden Goose of all, is getting laid! But who cares, in Disneyland each are deluded Naked Emperors of their own domain. Give them Turkeys, Welfare Checks, marching bands and shut them up. How to suppress America.

Bernanke quit, distraught at what he saw evolving and the visible escalation of unsustainable US Debt Obligations now reaching beyond infinity. How do you balance books which are bottomless in Compounding Debts? Who contains the Grey Screens, and Federal Reserve Military use programs? While the CIA hide away in their Frankfurt Base, out of Congressional oversight, and complicit with US Generals, mass print Trillions of unbacked US dollars, impervious to Civilian need, just to service their unjustifiable Military and Agency greed. Money to burn, while the motherland implodes. With the sticky dead claw of Greenspan overseeing all for his own Zionist Emperors, masters of all they betray. Wheels within wheels, compounding dodgy deals. Of such, vast Empires have been built. Of which you, Joe Public, who has funded all, end up with zero gain. Just the debt! Mugged and destitute. What – Constitutional – Values? Americans inherit 100% of the pain, but ZERO of the gain. As evermore, unhindered, they loot the store. Only in America. How much longer can this one can sided undemocratic plutocracy go on? Be assured, nations are rattling their chains. Americans are impoverished as the Zionists loot the store. Banksters rule the American fool.

Once the new Hydrogen vehicles emerge for public sales next year, the new day is dawning. The end of the Oil/Gas monopolies. And with it, the lucrative tax grabs. The Oil Barons, Cabal and Arabs will take a serious income shortfall. Compounded by declining wealth under the Basel III Accord to fund reckless American welfare budgets. As member nation states get to see the books, America will be ordered to cut Welfare bills. Ordered! What then? Basel III membership rules are clear. Balanced, audited books. No more Fed games and subterfuge. Clean hands and Global oversight. For America, an impossible quandary. A State built by Fraud exposed to Public supervision and Global monitoring? What happens when introspective, intelligent eyes, get to look deeply into the asylum that is US Federal and Treasury Fiscal control, and realize that while making a real quantifiable 20T first must then match ONLY 20T to spend, but the Cabal has orchestrated making 20T and spending 120T! Some Rubicon lines they can’t cross. Be assured, they are buying time to rob the store, because with coming Basel III controls tracking down, they won’t be able to rob anymore. Then, who keeps the vast American poor?

While in the White House, the Zionist Power Grab goes on. Netanyahu encircles evermore the decision making process of US state. Where Hagel dared question excessive Israeli liberal lax controls, he was rebuked by Zionist Hawks. And be sure, any new replacement will be nothing but an Israeli backed Clone. The battle raging in Washington is always for control of US resources and Executive Powers, to maintain the autocracy of command subservient to the wishes of this illegal Kazakh regime in Israel, propped up by their venomous agencies and US armed war machine. So few Zionists control all the money, power, the arms and also the news. Challenge that and as Hagel has found, you are soon, Yesterday’s news. Might is Right and Truth or Justice is soon put to flight. Washington becomes evermore a Ghost Town of morality, and a beached whale whose corpulent being is encircled and blood sucked by Zionist conspirators. America, as a Republic or Democracy has long been lost. There is no Moral Objective, simply power and the Kazakhs determine all strategy. Ask Soros or Rothschild’s? That is to underpin their Global hegemony which has developed over centuries to take over nations and loot their assets and minerals.

Why is there not stressed concern in Washington and Congress relating to the unhealthy total Zionist Command of all Fed and Treasury positions? Why is Soros not jailed as the self-admitted War Criminal he is? A singular quasi-Religious Cult have created an absolute Oligopoly whereby they have stolen control of the US economy and disenfranchised Non-Zionists from having a role deciding on and administering the nation’s monetary policies and economic well-being. Try blocking all Zionists out of the Fed and Treasury, then hear their incessant wailing outcry. So why is it fair to exclude Non-Zionists? Anyone not understanding this, how stupid are you? Who protects all other Americans while the Zionists control and loot all? Look at the scale of monetary crimes across the Fed, Banks and Finance Industries. Which sector are the main culprits? With Zionists Supremes in place to filibuster legislation to reign them in. With the American racial demographics changing so rapidly to an Afro, Hispanic and soon Muslim intermix, how long will this intolerable racket be tolerated? Someone has to break the lock-outs! Is everyone totally bought? An easier question, who is not? In power, why is a Non-Bought-Zionist among the few?

Day of Reckoning

BRICS, the Chinese Yuan, emerging Ruble Energy and Mining Contracts, all are diversifying away from US currencies and even participation.

Once the Gold backed Yuan and BRICS central currencies emerge, as with Rubles for key trade, how will the dollar stand up assailed by asset backed alternatives versus a worthless Ponzi promise with a centuries’ history of non-redemptions and Fed chicanery which has taken the world to the brink? Once the world even cross spreads risk by reducing even 25% of their US exposure, which they will, watch the US Stores empty fast. Imports, which are vast, will sky rocket in price as they adjust to a falling dollar and suppliers demand either alternative currencies, or impose surcharge risks on a Dodgy currency. As imported vehicles, electrical items and consumer products sky rocket in price. Watch wage demands soar with unrest to follow as inflation lets rip.

This will be the price of the Cabal Whores wars! They stole your nation, trashed your economy and crippled domestic industries. All the while supported by Complicit Congressmen and backhander Senators lined up for their lick. America's fastest growing Industry for the last 50 years has been Traitors. Corruption rules! Payback is coming.

Very soon, without the release of the PPs overdue settlements which have been long reneged on, the economy is going to start grinding down fast. Obama shows no signs of concerns relating to the consequential damage. Does he even understand while he fills his pockets usurping the role? His entire background is nebulous, bogus and mediocre, with no evidence of how he ever got the role, or his ability to achieve anything for America. An illegal Puppet stood up chanting Yes We Can, then showed he couldn’t! But the vast swollen unemployed or Welfare jockeys voted him in again. Won’t work but will vote - everytime for a Free Lunch! You work for them. Democracy?

At what point does the out of control Welfare Dam burst?

Is no one awake on the Bridge of Command? Besides Rope a Dope, who doesn’t understand?

Christmas is coming, more dreams will die, how long can America continue living a lie?

A great population is losing its homeland under stress. Because it’s drifting Leaderless, with families under duress. This is the nation of such great innovation. But where are the Leaders to lift up the nation? Can we wonder why with so many mediocrities and crooks at the height of Political power, the future for so many desperate Americans grows bleaker by the hour?

It's way past time to release the PPs and release innovation.

Time to put America first and save the nation.

This report is also posted on our website: Our Last Stand | Report #4 | How long can the Con go on?