Our Last Stand | Report #5 | Helping you all understand what is REAL!

in #blog7 years ago


Global Settlements - Show me the money!

owon_logo_short_100.png | One World of Nations | Our Last Stand Series Report #5

With OWON - Truth is free. If only the Media would give it to us and not sell us out. Helping you all understand what is real, is putting back with respect.

Let’s end the Bogus Guru Sites Donations Fee Scammers and Bogus phone line call in premium rate costs. False Truths at a price is no way forward for Truth to break free. Why buy trouble? Global releases? Who is being paid for real? Why? Where is it all at now in truth? Who is real? For sure, nothing from most Bloggers. We will give you so much reality today - Free!

The Internet is awash with a never ending growth of opportunistic Blogs, all requesting fees to “ Allegedly” keep their sites open for one more week, begging bowls at the ready, pending the next vacuous and so false revelations of imminent releases. All – untrue! They know nothing, have the value of nothing, and their only role seems to self-promote illusionary false status positions for your Buck. Your hard earned funds, coerced out of you for a fantasy. Cease funding these mongrel packs, or they breed. What we have is a collective Internet force of Liars, fantasists and fools. Few are worth the time of day. Their opinions even less. Where is truth for the deluded, we will show you now FREE and give you a real overview of what is real, all that is real! Don’t pay out to be lied to when truth is Free! Trust your own Counsel. Following such fantasists will lead only to disappointment. Who seeks the Counsel of fools?

Why appeal to stop it all now? Because if it helps the good, well-meaning Ladies avoid getting conned by the Irish Broker Mercenaries and other posing unwashed, it protects good people. If we are to establish credible Blogs to protect the nations against the Cabal and their maleficent media Barons, you need to become selective. Media is not a right, it’s a privilege. So we need to start with Truth! Sites need to earn and keep your trust.


We see so many false, utterly baseless claims of imminent settlements from parties who will simply never even be allowed close to the real Halls of Power. The only locations where such discussions are taking place is between the most Elite of parties, screened and highly selective by invitation only, and then only by Special Families of ancient bloodlines, not the mercurially elected deviants seeking only opportunism and a fast Buck. Real platforms in negotiation with only one London group, are to be backed by Dynasty assets, and having seen the end product of the carnage entrusting Non-Lineage scavengers, no more doors will lead to Rome for time-wasting Chancers.

Only a few weeks ago, an application was promoted by parties on a commission, seeking to have the Elders part with 25,000 MTs of AU for the Fed. A copy came to us to review and comment. We recommended immediate rejection. Another scavenging Con! The key Elders now cross check all with us. On first sight, within 2 minutes we declare each approach to be garbage.

Last week we exhibited Real Fed Contracts with them, correct formats, colours and signatories. Only available on a Need to Know basis. Such versions would never be publicised.

For almost a century this loathsome Parasite Cabal force has sequestrated all it touches in an orgy of greed and subterfuge. No redemptions have ever been honoured. Lies, chicanery, excuse after excuse, are their skid marks on Public record. A loathsome liars charter. Our policies are clear.

Expunge them out of all future negotiations and planning. Decline invites, and don’t explain. They no longer deserve the right of a hearing. No consideration. When the hand which feeds these rabid Cabal Mongrels is bitten, withdraw it. As is now happening. Let the Jackal Packs turn on each other. Why feed and encourage this worthless Fed carrion to breed more? Their word is not good, they have no honour, nor Trust. All their face has been lost. And as such, exclusion is now the only policy. They are, in total, irrelevancies. So why read such vacuous Bloggers nonsense? It’s rewarding to see the multinational rejections of mediocre Politicos by Voters wising up.


Real dialogue, with Real Asset Holders, is progressing well between families of Stature and Culture. Real world. The photographs you can judge. Out of Public sight, but real. This is free help to give you hope! Reality. Nothing is yet cleared, it is in key party negotiations. Not via Grunts and fantasists. Yes, there are Genuine discussions in place, with real vision and commitment to help turn this leaking Ship of State around and give people liberty again. Sometimes it feels like every day or week is our Alamo. Reality is tough! Not childlike fantasies. Deals are fought hard. No one is parting with Trillions for an out of control Grunt feast. It needs purpose and synergy.

The turgid rhetoric propounded by so many sites, is simply delusional and grossly misinformed. Why would we even need to include or distribute Elders funds through such Cabal or Fed carrion? Their face has been long lost. As has participation.

We are assessing the needs of a Global population approaching 8 Billion. An application to help fund and house 70 million Chinese in need is currently being processed for approval. We are looking at Educational and Healthcare needs for Asia and Eurasia. We are assessing vast Silk Road and Infrastructure needs for Eurasia, and allocations of AU to help underpin and stabilize selective South American nations. This is real dialog, not layers of fantasy Broker papers presuming the right of self-enrichment having bought into Boiler Room currency hype, buying instead just trouble. While the Dogs bark buy more, and Sterling wait to do time.

We are contemplating new Global Water dynamics. Our World dehydrates, starves or poisons its masses and oceans, with polluted, disease infected water and plans to use water as a new wealth creating asset, while in fact there is more clean and sustainable water beneath the surface of our earth than above it, simply needing recovery.

Why deny the building blocks of life to others for power and greed? Real dialog supports real vision. Opportunities will emerge for many considerate nationals to assist in Global delivery projects. These are your real opportunities. The $500 bucks for Get Rich Quick Redneck Hillbillies or Bible Belt gullible would have been better invested in a Hooch Still.

We have allowed a power driven Hydra, an unelected Corporate Hybrid, composed of Military / Agency Despots, fiscally entrapped by a Kazakh Zionist predatory Banking network, to wrap its bloodsucking tentacles around all. For the last century collective interests have been sequestrating Global assets and crushing freedom, all the while claiming to be delivering Democracy behind the false illegal Regime Change Policies of a Corporate false front US nation with none of its own.

Yet in the Great Halls of Truth, where none dare speak its name - We do!


A luxury of free thought and speech is active, enabled by true Dynasty Elders of like minds. Impervious to Political sycophants and their Shylock Type Paymasters.

Real Leaders, Real People, Real Visionaries, do care. Contrary to the vacuous hyperbole exuded from the fantasies of bottom feeding Bloggers, some just Grunts with Collecting Bowls, deep dialogue is in play and real issues of help being debated. We have left Elders in no doubt that neither solutions, nor complex progression will be achieved by Politicos. Simply because few are fit for purpose. Nor truly care. Entrusting development of our species to these amoebic misfits will end only one way. Nor will divine guidance intercede. Those core funds are being invested for Capital protection, and only accrued profits used to fund projects. We have cut dead the Fed Hydra from stealing more.

Our case has been to demonstrate that complex Global changes can only be effected by those empowered, both economically and intellectually, and capable of conceiving the prioritised steps necessary, directing resourcing and delivering planned solutions. Self-help.

Our vision is for multi-billions in need. Who really cares about a few Blogmeisters promising a few lost millions, and all is coming tomorrow. Just believe, donate and contribute to the cause they obfuscate. These are just Carnival Barkers.

The Global economy is rapidly deteriorating. Reserves, what reserves? Redemptions overdue yet again, are reneged on ever more. How can a broken system pay you, with what? Yes, we know you need, but so what? So do billions. So, real world, do we protect primary billions, or a few million whimpering wannabes? Aaahh was promised. Poor fools. Politicians want only your vote, no more, and have no plans for you. For any of you. How do we get hard truth across? Prosperity funds and failed redemptions are, by and large not coming. Overalled Rednecks sit in mountain shacks guarding a fistful of Dinars. I’m gonna be rich! Really? Somewhere a lunatic fringe still lives in blind hope of a magic mushroom Dinar free for all. Basket cases. Blogs continue to pump this garbage. South Sea Bubbles. Look it up. Sorry but for most it’s a new version.

As the world becomes ever more a complex, hybrid Corporate Oligopoly of special interests, where are you, and who cares? There is no Shadow Fairy Godmother, nor Santa or Custer riding in to redeem the masses. You are worth the level of intellect between your ears. Beyond that, you’re on your own.

There are no State Reserves or even Private Pension Reserves capable of carrying through feckless retirees or Welfare Basket cases. So you paid into a scheme. So what? Apart from funding fat bonuses, as the State starts to raid the pot, what will be left, as they lose the plot? Be assured, not a lot. If you don’t control your own destiny, someone else does. Study historical equivalents. Good luck with that. Look at America today facing a future of Clinton or Trump. A psychotic career criminal or a flatulent, egomaniac, how low is the bar now? A daunting demise faces America. Ball games and reality TV rules fools. While Welfare Wanabee’s with a vote, contributing nothing - demand. How the mighty have fallen. Eurasia rises, while a Geographically illiterate mass sit in their State of Delusion, reading Blogmeister's procrastinations, of Heh Buddy, send me a dollar and Poof the Magic Dragon will fly in your fantasy Geld funds. Fools and money? Between the Bible Belt and Blog sites it’s pay dirt for Carnival hustlers. With seemingly no end of cross bred gullible.

Truth, is Santa coming? How old are you?

Facing the needs of a world approaching 8 Billion, how important are the needs of a few tens of millions of speculating Blog cannon fodder? In our world, evolving ever faster as a Grand Corporate Union of Economic Grandmasters, what standing do the Public really have, or expect?

As East versus West increases conflicts, and War risks with it, where do you think real interest is focused? Politicos are not in it to put back, but to take out, and the only thing being taken, is you.

There will be no free ride, bar you being taken for one.

Now, respect, truth and free real advice for the non-stupid. You’re on our own. Responsibility for your passage through life, is in your own hands. Your calls, your moves, your own Judgment and Life Management Action Plan. You think it out and don’t lose the plot. Or leave it to others who will take the lot. Stop dreaming, life is real. Get truth. Get - It!

So from Get Real, what is real?

Our response and guidance to the Elders was to seek no accord of trust with Politicos and to determine valid needs they wished to support, but then implement a direct support strategy, via their new Representative London office, bypassing the Political structures, unless support was needed. We can develop both Infrastructure and Regional strategies with minimum political intervention, and curtail the corruption from such associations. We also showed them how less than 20% of capital allocated to Charitable needs ever gets to the end user needs, and how much is syphoned out in ostentatious Salaries, bonuses and overhead admin costs. Our strategy is to deliver total Turnkey solutions using regional resources direct, and delivered by our own teams. These are REAL Elders progress issues, not moonshine fantasies disgorged by itinerant Irishmen parading photographs of some poor Asian wannabe Money-man profiling with a face like an unmade bed.

We are discussing Silk Road policies. We are discussing Global educational needs. We are discussing Water and Energy needs. We are discussing reality. Collective Elders of real stature sat through 2 full days of detailed presentations, achieving real progress. The point was made clearly to them not to depend upon Political promises, as history determines millennial failures and to focus on direct, total control. Two days with nothing taken out, where a key Lord said to me quietly, you get major claps from the team after each session. Elders respect vision and truth. Even more, the integrity to speak it.

Could it be perhaps because we opened each session by explaining to the Elders teams that a centuries progress has been slow, or non-existent, because their trust has been betrayed, their assets exploited criminally to fund 990 plus bases to wage vile Hegemony on the planet, all to protect Energy and asset grabs, as well as funding planetary destroying Arms industries, and Gut Busting Pentagon budgets for Boys with Toys, over medal burdened not for valour, but Butt kissing. Plus also the fact that we are making Elders key Bank Signatories on the new Trust Accounts with clear Capital Protecting Investment Strategies and safe income control long term. No filters, cross trading or skim offs. Integrity, Trust, Ethical policies, full oversight and clear vision. Elders know reality. Trust has to be earned. Honesty is the start. Ethical vision the next.

How can Political skip rats even start to understand? See how Cruz blanched at being asked to his face on TV if he had had affairs behind his wife’s back. His flunkies tried to defect to Trump, and Cruz ducked the question. That said it all. More soiled goods. When there is no Trust, there is no point. Why vote for any of them?

OWON charges you nothing for truth. Yes, we opine against corruption, and ever more against moronic naivety. But we do care about you, the way forward, and our custodial care of our planet.

We respond to only one race, the Human Race, and the Cosmic ties to all of us. Elders see, we get it. Elders see we walk and talk the real case. Elders feel our compassion. Elders trust our links and lineage. They have seen and experienced the US Carpet Baggers shabby imbalance of Global control. Greed has bypassed need. This is a world we are all in together. A cosmic force of good for all.

Every child has a right to life.

Every child has a right to love.

Every child has a right to come here as a new Soul and try to fulfill their dreams. Our role is to protect and encourage that and them. To help you be born free and to fulfill your full potential of being. Your Carbon Life Form experience needs to fulfill its purpose and real agenda. You came here for a reason and you competed with millions for this journey. You won. Why waste it now? Wake up and fulfill it. You’re not just Cosmic matter - You matter. You are an ethereal life force experiencing a Carbon existence along a journey with no end. Once you understand your role, then we can help you enrich your Soul. To be - alive, that is the wealth of the universe.

I recently saw our UK statistics showing over 600,000 children are now listed at risk of abuse, either physical or sexual. That is 1% of our nation. So even at the same levels that means 3 million America children a year are suffering. It’s truly heartbreaking and touches us deeply.

For the UK, America and the Children of our world, what is happening is appalling. I am saddened and sickened by all of it and our inability to stop this disgusting abuse now. It sickens me to my Soul. How can anyone do this to a child? These are the real issues needing our time, who cares whether you hustle a Dinar or two. Our children matter! They all matter and need us. All are children of one God and it’s not Allah, nor Yahweh!

Elders asked me, how do we deal with the growing Islamic problem.

I answered, for those in the West start by dictating in each nation that ALL Islamic children from 5 upwards are educated only in each nations State schools and given fair and free education. Give them truth and respect. Teach the children that forced marriage of girls from 6 to 9, or any age, is a filthy, depraved and guttural society and will no longer be allowed or tolerated. Teach the children to say its despicable and it's my life you are throwing away, so I say NO! Teach them it's the ramblings of a depraved old man who married Ayesha at 6 had had full intercourse with her, by his own admission, when she was 9. Disgusting, the poor child. Start by exposing and ridiculing this filth. That is a potent weapon to disarm and dismantle this Wookie Cult from within. Give the Children an informed choice. If they don't like it - leave! Assimilate, educate, or go.

Set the bar and lift it high. Start closing their Mosques and tell them you either assimilate or Vacate home! No one asked you to come here. Teach children truth and values. Stop the Islamic State schools, the Madrassas, in the Western world. No Shariah Law here. No! our laws or leave. Don't let them brainwash the kids on our watch. Shape the future by reshaping the Wookies, and show the children they are worth more. Not as Slaves. We stopped Slavery, why allow Islam? Look at their scale of child molestation and mutilation in Western nations. Truly, a disgusting species. Face it down. Take it down. Why allow 6th century decadent fantasy to pollute the West. Stop listening to Culture and start using Cult, then you get it and stop it. Every child needs us to protect them. They are all children of the Universe - Ours! Rebuild humanity by enlightening all for the future starting with each child. Consciousness is the Search Engine to everything. Start, on your watch - today. Every child matters. Every life form needs a chance. Nature, the Cosmos, animals, all life forms, we are One. You - Are the Living Universe. Help each child achieve their calling. Kindness is the real currency. Real wealth is the emotion of your Soul. That is all you can take with you. Call each day better. It may be your last.

This report is also posted on our website: Our Last Stand | Report #5 | Helping you all understand what is REAL!