Generation of an environment of trust

in #blog3 years ago

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The development and growth of a group of people can occur more efficiently as long as there is confidence in the environment in which the team members develop, there is also a way to generate confidence in ourselves to have decision in our goals to meet. The fact is that trust is needed in the group as well as in the personal level.

When a group of people are all in tune, it is because there is confidence in the group so that each person individually can perform their most common activities and this has a positive impact for everyone. The way to be in tune with ourselves implies executing each act based on the successes that are so important to generate confidence in ourselves, however, if we make mistakes, it is important that we continue to maintain this confidence in ourselves, since mistakes are transitory and always leave an associated learning.

Group and individual trust is also synonymous with work and effort, when one party sees that the other is working hard, trust him and vice versa, if there is no trust, we would work reviewing the work of others that are supposed to be executed correctly, in fact there is nothing more uncomfortable than doing teamwork where there is no confidence in other people.

The good leader always seeks to generate trust with his work team, it is important that this trust is not misinterpreted as the ideal environment to stop working and decline in our activities, on the contrary if the atmosphere of trust already exists we must exploit it to the maximum and give the best of ourselves.