Adversities are the common denominator in our lives, through adversities we constantly test ourselves, it is by overcoming adversities that we can know if it is worth it to overcome the obstacles.
For every obstacle overcome is one more hope to move forward, in my country Venezuela is very common to keep fighting constantly, because to achieve our goals we need to give a little extra effort to the normal conditions that could have another person anywhere in the world.
However, I thank God for the adversities that have presented themselves, since I have been able to overcome and triumph with effort. To tell the truth, if something is missing I just get creative, I improvise on the fly, but I don't stay complaining until the solution comes to me as if it were a miracle.
At the moment I am writing these short lines it is 9:21pm Venezuela time, at approximately 7:00pm the electricity in my area is down, as usual we are rationed for 4 hours a day, but I remembered that in the headquarters of the mayor of my area of residence there is free internet wifi, I came here, and finally I have this reflective post ready for all of you, where the moral of the case is that if you can fight with good attitude and perseverance.