You just never know who in the crowd, standing beside you in line, or passing you on the street, might be raised in spirit or even lifted from despair by the kindness in your glance and the comfort of your smile.
This morning I reflected on Kindness. The catchphrase of "Random Acts of Kindness" always bothered me. You know what I mean? The people who purchase the coffee for the people behind them in line at Starbucks and then take a picture of it and post it on facebook. I never understood the filming of someone helping the homeless. What is their motivation really? To help? Or to get noticed? I'm more the type of gal who likes to give quietly. But as I pondered it this morning I thought to give quietly is one thing, but am I really giving that much? Turns out the answer is not really. I don't go out looking for it. I do it when the mood hits me or there's enough change floating in my purse. What? I'm selfish? I can't stand selfish people! That can't be!
Someone mentioned giving double the tip. What? Whoa? That's too much. But then I remembered being a single mother and receiving a 1000% tip from a woman. I cried. I was able to buy groceries. It's the only tip I remember in all of my years as a server. How much would double the tip actually cost me in a year? Probably not that much in reality. But what an impact it could have.
Kindness doesn't have to cost money. How much does it cost to
- Smile at the stranger walking on the street?
- Say a genuine hello to the homeless person you pass?
- Pick up the garbage on the sidewalk?
- Call the friend you haven't spoken to in a while just to say "Hi!"?
- Ask the clerk scanning your groceries how their day is going?
Or, is it that much to send a card to a friend? Bring a treat to the office? Give a back-rub to someone you love?
Oh, I could do so much more than I do.
So at risk of sounding like the person who posts on Social Media their random act of kindness, I am going to make this vow to you. I am going to change my ways. Quiet Acts of Kindness are now part of this girl's daily to do. I'm not going to be perfect, but I am bringing it to the forefront. I am going to work at it. Make a list and scratch them off. I am going to look for ways to be kind until it becomes habit. Because when it comes down to it. This world could use a lot more kindness. I can do my part.
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Hope to get attention from this point and what to do here actually