IF you have the internet, a computer, and money to afford constant haircuts.., you don't have my sympathy.
Internet and a computer I do have, but my hair I have always cut myself since being 14 years old and still do :) No worries though, as I'm not looking for sympathy, rather these blogs are an attempt to work out my inner tangles that hold me for achieving myself a better life.
You don't know what "broke" really means. I grew up in the back of cars, waking up at parks. Going to rubbish dumps for scraps. Dad would find things and fix them for money. We had no electricity, floors, or running water, flushing toilets etc. Cooking on campfires, using that heat for water. You got no idea mate.
I am well aware that it's relative and that I'm still better off than a lot of people, certainly you've had it much harder than I based on your description. Cannot know exactly how it is, but I did a cycling trip last autumn during which I slept outside, cooked with fire and included some wild mushrooms in my diet when they were around. I still had a home to come back to eventually, so it's obviously not comparable, and I'm not disregarding your experiences, but I can in some level empathize with you.
Anyway, I'm glad you've made it through all the way to Steem (how did you find here, if I may ask), since it has tremendous potential to leverage one's finances in the future, so keep engaging with people and power up all your earnings. If you have any questions, shoot, I may be able to help you.
Welcome to Steem :)
I shave using the reflection from an old CD. I think you've helped me already.
I might just start posting my problems.
Even though you may not be seeking sympathy.., that's exactly what's happening. Look at the replies.., they are sympathetic.
I just have to be overly nice, take some pics, and remain lighthearted but "determined to make a change". Fuck looking for a job, or doing hard work like people we actually rely on (farmers, builders, plumbers etc)
You're now putting words into my mouth. I never said I'd stop looking for a job. I will have an interview for a mailman position which I'm really hoping to get.
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