Cringe, Teen's Paralyzed Fingers Culled Out Mouse Rats

in #blog8 years ago


A French teenager suffered severe injuries after being made a meal by a gang of rats. Disabel teenagers were unable to fight when his body was gnawed by rats.

The father found the condition of his son in a pathetic house in the Roubaix region, France, on Saturday night, last week. His father found a mattress where his son slept was covered in blood, while the 14-year-old was lying on the floor. The girl lives there with her father and a brother.

Medical experts say they found 45 bite marks on the face, 150 cuts in the hand, and 30 cuts on his legs. Hospitals have examined the possibility of infection and rabies. But the child's rabies is negative.

Reported by the BBC, quoting local media Courrier-Picard, his father said he would file a lawsuit against the landlord who had left the garbage in their neighborhood bursting. According to him, everything is fine before they sleep. He sleeps upstairs, while his two children sleep downstairs.

"I see blood flowing from both ears, I am very worried that he has a brain hemorrhage," he said. Some of the child's fingertips were bitten by rats, and surgery was unable to repair them.

The family has been moved from the house, and the police are investigating this horrible case of rat bites. Rats attack against humans very rarely, even though starvation, mice usually prefer to eat carcasses.