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RE: Happy Bicycle Day!

in #blog8 years ago

The king knows he is naked with LSD.:)
LSD can induce a state of the feeling like meeting a new real person(me) that is what I would be if I was not "educated" under the constraints of society and feel the real connection to nature and other people.
Looks like that would be your true self without all the false selves we were educated, like a mask that psychedelics unveil.
The problem I see today is that they are taking "Synthesized LSD" instead of Distilled LSD. There are big differences in effects and in self-awareness.
The second is very artificial, gives more "body power", but it seems to short the regressive catharsis of the initial trip.
It seems to me that the artificial LSD, people talk more to themselves than they feel the spirit inter-experience with others.
This essay is very good to understand the genesis of the LSD phenomena.
LSD Purity: Cleanliness Is Next To Godlinessby Bruce Eisner 1977 Originally published in High Times
So today I don't take LSD (unless I find some pure, wich I doubt), I'm limited to nature by shrooms and S. Pedro.


I like that opening sentence. It is very true!

It can be a problem sourcing good LSD for sure. Lots of nasty research chemicals out there that mimics it's effects but do not have the same safety profile and LD50.