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RE: Sticking With Routine To Pass The Time While Thoughts Percolate

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Hi @helenoftroy,

I read the article you posted on @ironmanmatt's account.

I think one of the issues with intimacy in marriage is that a woman's sex drive peaks in their 30's but a boy's sex drive usually peaks in their teenage years. This mismatch can cause problems for married couples, but don't get discouraged.

Every one of us has some sort of issue or challenge to work through since it is in our nature to want more and better than what we already have. Even when you resolve this issue there will be something new that needs to be solved tomorrow, but having said that, I wish you and your husband the best married life and I hope your relationship will offer the romance you are looking for.

Keep in mind that @ironmanmatt's thoughts might be more focused on survival, sometimes that gets in the way of intimacy.

Good luck and have a good night!


Hi @chrisrice, thanks for taking time to read the article! It took Matt and I awhile to get down to the heart of it, but we were struggling with our own idols and guilt. Matt struggles with the idol of power and because of things in his past, he was afraid of using me in sex to gratify that idol. In addition to that, my idol is fear of rejection. Instead of understanding Matt’s hesitancy to have sex, I only saw it as rejection and tried to manipulate him with my emotions.

As we confessed our sins of the past, forgave each other, and encouraged each other in God’s promises, we were able to find enjoyment in each other. We’ve been married four years now, and thankfully every year gets better!

It sounds like @ironmanmatt and you were able to resolve the issues relating to intimacy. I guess it was just a big misunderstanding.