Once upon a time in the days before modern science and medicine, treating ailments and injuries, as well as home care and cleaning, was all accomplished using natural products.
Then slowly but surely, over the years, things began to change. It has been reported that since the 1950s, over 72,000 synthetic chemicals have entered our food supply and our homes; and most of them have never been tested for human safety. The average person is exposed to over 6,000 of these chemicals on a regular basis and babies are now born with hundreds of them already detectable in their blood. It’s no wonder that we are seeing increasing rates of chronic diseases!

How is this possible, you may ask? Well, it’s actually quite simple. The big corporations who sell these products dazzle you with their beautiful websites, the impressive qualifications of their experts, convincing magazine advertisements, and multi-million dollar advertising campaigns on TV, as well as news stories carefully scripted to scare you into using their products. Their focus is not on what is natural or healthy for you and the environment, but purely on what has the largest profit potential for them, and their stockholders.
Do you know what ingredients are in your face cream or body lotion? How about your toothpaste, shaving cream, and suntan lotion? Our everyday household cleaners are also laden with toxic synthetic chemicals, and the vast majorities have never been tested for human safety. Animal food is also far from being healthy or nutritious for your beloved pet, it contains many colourants, flavour enhancers and preservative.
When you see terms like “natural, organic and hypoallergenic” on labels, what does that mean? These buzz words are often used to promote products to consumers, when in fact those products often contain petrochemicals, nonorganic ingredients, and chemicals that have only been assumed to be safe. Products certified as organic can contain as little as 10 percent organic ingredients by weight or volume. Many marketing claims are unregulated, and companies are rarely if ever, required to back them up, even for children’s products. The FDA does little to regulate ingredient safety and allows the cosmetics and cleaning product industry to police itself through its own Ingredient Review Panel.

Nevertheless, in spite of all this, I have some good news that I am thrilled to share with you! You don't need a closet full of toxic chemicals to have a clean home, beautiful garden, healthy pets, and most of all, a happy and healthy family.
Most of the ingredients you require are already in your kitchen cupboards and you simply need to learn how to use them for purposes other than cooking.
Yes, there truly are many time-tested solutions that are not only healthier but will save you money, while contributing to your own and your family's well-being and happiness. You don't have to choose between a clean house, beautiful personal appearance, great-looking yard, and your health. You can have it all!
The tips and formulas I will share (and have been sharing) with you in the coming weeks are as effective, or better than the chemical-laden products you are currently using. Isn’t your health and happiness worth investing a little time to learn how to make and use these natural products?
Your greatest WEALTH is your HEALTH

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@niallon11, @erikah
This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!
Keep up the great work!Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
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Oh I love cake, thank you so much for the gift @helpiecake
Totally worth sharing multiple times! It really is crazy how much junk is in commercial products! I'm always on the continual path of slowly but surely cleaning out my cabinets as I use things up and replace them with products I feel confident in putting on my skin or using in my house.
I am the same @plantstoplanks, I have very few commercial cleaners in my kitchen cupboards!
I love natural products and natural health. We really do just have this one body and this one life, and it's worth protecting. I'd like to say I'm somewhat fanatical, but I'm not anymore. I do what I can to use natural cleaners and eat a clean diet, but my obsessive days are over. That said, I'm certainly interested in hearing about alternatives.
yes we have to be careful about becoming obsessed it can consume us @jayna, but taking some care is advisable.
Great article @claudiaz. You know, when we are young, we use our health to gain wealth. And then when we get old, we use all our health to gain back our wealth.
you are so right@rosatravels
thanks @phototalent
Some excellent home recipes are shared to clean, cure and many other uses before buying expensive off the shelf goods, totally agree with you Claudia.
thanks @joanstewart
Well said and worth repeating!
I've cleaned out most of the chemicals out of my home but I forget that there are a lot of folks that may not even be aware that this is a problem - great that you gave a heads up!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks visiting @porters
You’ve been visited by @porters (again) on behalf of Natural Medicine!
There is also a Discord Channel here for real time discussion on all things natural healing and we'd welcome you to come join in!Wondering if you were familiar with the #naturalmedicine tag if you are going to be writing about natural ways for cleaning, gardening and taking care of your health.
We are also running our fortnightly competition for steem rewards, where you can explore a plant medicine. This fortnight's plants are mullein, ginseng and alder... Plus a wild card where you can choose your own! Find out more Here
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thanks @porters
Yup, she's in! Great you spotted this post - it's a good one!
All natural is the best. If we have it in our kitchen would prefer it over those sold in stores. We would be sure what we are using on our bodies without the industrial chemicals that hurts our body in the long run.