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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/29/18> is this an addiction? or is it just….

in #blog7 years ago

Sorry to put you in the shade for a change Sulty - I think I am at two and a half fingers by now. But the down side is it seems the typos go up exponentially the more fingers one ads, so is it really worth while? Fingers that blur over the keyboard with reams of perfect words and sentences and paragraphs appearing on the screen confirms my suspicion that half of the population are really aliens, which also explains why one can never really fathom them.

Blessings friend..especially for standing strong against those enchanting creatures we have to share this planet with!


yes, I might be inclined to agree with you if I had any idea what the hell it is you just told me, but I'll take your blessing and conversation any time so stop back often.

They even dress differently from us..wear makeup and perfumes and stuff to seduce us the victim race into serving them till death do us part...!

We may get some dandy side benefits like grand children out of the deal, once caught in that trap, but slaves we end up being for sure!

Thanks for the considerate invite - and my most sincere sympathy...