The wait is over and we can now enjoy the latest movie in the Star Wars saga, which is called: Solo: A Star Wars Story. It is a spin-off that is (approximately) six years after Revenge of the Sith and perhaps a few years before A New Hope (the years between movies is not confirmed, it's a guess). The film narrates and develops a little more the characters of Han Solo and Chewbacca, how they met and how they became the mythical Han and Chewie we met in the original trilogy , but will it have achieved the objective that was proposed? It's a good movie? After so many problems in production, do you disappoint? I have a book of conversations about my impression of the film and the content of the questions you may be asking.
There are many people who saw (or see) this film with a bad eye, and perhaps the main reason is for Han Solo, and I will try to explain myself better: For fans of the saga, it is difficult to see our favorite characters played by others who are not the "originals" and although there are cases where a single character has been played by two different people (the case of Obi Wan, which was a success), many fans we think that making an interpretation of Han is something else ... Complicated. For many it must be difficult to see Han reflected in someone other than Harrison Ford and because of that, it is difficult to digest the film of the legendary Han Solo without the legendary Harrison Ford. It may seem silly or foolish, but can you imagine a saga of Harry Potter where the protagonist is not played by Daniel Radcliffe? It would be strange, right?
That factor, plus the addition of change of director, new recordings, rumors of the bad performance of Alden Ehrenreich created more and more uncertainty but at last we can see the film and judge for ourselves.
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First I will talk about the things that I liked. Solo: A Star Wars Story is a good movie, quite funny and entertaining, that further expands the great movie universe of Star Wars. In addition, they show us a rather fresh story, away from all the conflict between Rebels and the Galactic Empire. We will see for the first time in a film how they met Han and Chewie which is very interesting (although far from what we saw in the comics) and above all, they teach us a pretty good character development.
Since the movie starts, it gives us an idea of how Han survives, in a world that is increasingly invaded by the Empire. The first 40 min of the film is like a roller coaster of emotions, there is too much action and memorable moments. From how Han and her fiancee Qi'ra escapes to the sequence in the freight train and how they accept Han and Chewie within the group of smugglers. Then, the intensity drops a little and here is where we know a little more about the characters. Although then we will ride on the roller coaster again and see some sequences and outcomes in the plot that will impress more than one.
I must admit that the first few minutes of the film seemed strange to me, and not because I had a bad start, but because I think that unconsciously I was not allowed to see someone else playing the role of Han Solo that was not Harrison Ford. But then I thought I should enjoy the movie and I removed that taboo with which I entered the cinema room. At that time I began to appreciate more the performance of Alden, and really plays a good role as Han Solo. It should be noted that, here we see an inexperienced character, who although he is still a self-centered person, can even see something innocent. Although, I do not think that is a problem of Alden if not the script and how they wanted to capture this young Han (something that really did not bother me, because it gave more development during the movie). As the minutes progress, your growth progresses and that is really good.

Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian he eats each of the scenes where he participates, they are wonderful. It remains elegant, confident and confident. Chewbacca is not much to say, It is the best Wookiee in the galaxy! Not to mention the Millennium Falcon ... His first time on screen was more epic than I could imagine. These three factors were important for the movie to have many positive things to highlight.
The new characters are well developed and with a background that captures the audience. Every moment in which they appear on camera are worth highlighting; from the mysterious personality of Qi'ra to the mentor / traitor of Elias Beckett.

The references to other movies in the series here are really incredible, there are too many. Finally we know where you got Han his famous blaster DL - 44, how the events of the famous run of Kessel and why Han became a cynical, lonely and unfriendly person.
The villain met my expectations (maybe we could see more of him, but I did not bother him at all), and although he does not spend too much time on the screen, the times we saw him, he was like a cold person, He does not mind killing if his subordinates do not comply with his orders.
In a few words, the support characters do not invade at any time the plot of the film or the appearance or development of Han as a character, rather they help it to flow in the best way. Solo: A Star Wars Story is a typical cowboy movie (well, not so typical because it takes place in space), where there is a lot of betrayal, tension, people with bad intentions and especially shots everywhere.
But ... I must admit that there were things that I did not like ... And I think that's true because I was already convinced that the comics had answered many things that the original trilogy never did. I was very pleased with the way Han knows Chewbacca but I wanted to see what I saw in the comics; I really would have loved to see those scenes but it seems that they only stayed to be part of Legends. In the same way, I would have loved to see a little more Han that wanted to train as a pilot of the Empire, and not only have been in a couple of words. I also did not like the outcome of the smugglers who gave so much trouble to Han and their group during the train scenes.
For me, Solo: A Star Wars Story is really a good movie, a movie that is left to love and enjoy. He has his outstanding moments as well as his things (some, not many) that could have more attachment to what we already knew. Everything they did after so much uncertainty through their production is really outstanding. During the film I laughed, I was tense, impressed and impatient, and when a movie achieves all those things, then it should not be bad. Also, he gave me an incredible surprise, something that I really enjoyed (and did not believe) and I thank him because that's the way it was; in the same way I hope that while they watch the movie, their surprise is just as good, as mine was.
I am very pleased with what I saw, and I think we should also leave a little fear regarding the films developed by Disney that are outside the main saga, because although it is true that Solo: A Star Wars Story can not deal with Rouge One, nor is it misdirected and developed. So, in conclusion, it is a movie that can be seen several times and enjoyed several times.
I agree with you in many friendly points, from the beginning I trust that the new Solo would do well, the cast is fabulous ... and the story I like very much, too: SUSPENSE AND ACTION at all times. I do not want to do Spooilers but the last part of the movie opened a universe of events in my mind that make me very happy...
I loved the movie, and yes, that part you mention, I particularly loved her for obvious reasons hahaha. It seems that spin-offs are safer to watch than the new trilogy.