So a few months back I had a bought of positional vertigo, which is basically feeling dizzy when you change the position of your head. This lasted about 2 months before it finally went away.
I have been free of this annoying sensation for about 2 months and all of a sudden it is back today and seems worse than before.
Previously, I would only get dizzy when I would lay down on my right side. However, tonight I have been getting dizzy with just looking up or down.
Positional vertigo is caused by crystals in the ear canal break loose and floating around when you move your head. When they do this it sends false signals to your brain that your orientation has changed, this making you feel dizzy.
It can resolve itself over time as the crystals can reattach to the ear. Please be praying for this to go away and for everything to be fixed in my ear.
My sister in law's father and my wife's uncle both suffer from this. I'm sure this is what you're already doing, but if not, it helps them a lot.
Thank you for this info. I had heard of the exercises but I had yet to find a guide on how to do them. You are awesome!