When I was in FFA I was living on a dairy farm. I was also enrolled in the Agriculture classes and the mechanics classes. Back in the 70's it was not normal for a girl to be in those programs. The FFA worked along with the FHA at that time. The sewing, cooking and baking was all part of the FHA program.
Back then @coffeetime was called a trouble maker for enrolling in classes until then was for boys only. But then I was labeled a trouble maker for wearing pants to school in the middle of winter in Wisconsin when it was against the dress codes.
I was always proud to have been a member of the FFA. I was taught a lot through the FFA program.
As far as shooting guns my Dad taught me how to do that.
I don't know if the FHA exists or what it is, 4H is also popular down here.
I can believe you might have been a trouble maker, don't exactly know why , but I believe you.
Could weather and dresses are insane if you ask me, can't blame you one bit for bucking the system.
FHA was Future Homemakers of America. I didn't follow the normal rules for the classes I chose. 40 years ago it was not normal for girls to take classes intended for boys.
That's what I thought on the homemakers, just wasn't sure. Haven't heard that mentioned in a long time, since now stay at home moms are almost looked down on.