Awakening takes place without even knowing how it's happening

in #blog8 years ago

If you imagine taking a good long look at yourself and how much you have learned of late then you may feel feelings of astonishment... cause here you are. You might be wondering what you have found out about the issue of wanting vs needing, or not?


Once I learned the difference between wanting and needing and began to discard the doctrines and values I've outgrown, there was an awakening. I learned that all of that was part of a trance that I had bought into and... had become something like a trance monkey: "Monkey see, Monkey do”. So I learned to go more with my instincts and value my intuition.

I came to understand that it is truly in giving that I receive. And that there is power and glory in creating and contributing. In the process I stopped going through life merely as a “consumer" looking for my next fix to fill my empty inner and crowded outer space. More important questions emerged as the doors of awakening opened, one by one in this church of perpetual astonishment: life!

Guiding Principles

I came to appreciate that principles such as honesty, trust and integrity are not the outdated ideals of a by gone era but the mortar that holds together the foundation upon which I can build community and a life that has meaning. I came to understand that the value of taking personal responsibility for my all communications and actions is deeply empowering. It is deeply empowering because laying blame, justifications or finger pointing I found to be poor behaviours that don’t serve me... or anyone else… because I learned to value to be empowered by my actions and my freedom.


Some people say that if you decide to really question worn out patterns, beliefs and limiting decisions then you’ll gain more self respect, support and trust because you are ready to get real because you understand that freedom is the highest form of discipline you can have. This is an insight which is easy to forget though...until it resonates so deeply that you value your freedom more than anything else.

The highest Currency you'll ever have

In a fast paced world where people often spend more time in cyber space than being real with each other in 3D , trust frequently has become a big issue for many people. Trust is incredible valuable and yet... how many more or less unconscious behaviours can build or destroy trust in an instant. In my experience I discovered one behaviour in particular which is very powerful in building trust: the value of keeping your word. It is one of the highest currencies you'll ever have because it is an invisible frequency that comes from your being. When you keep your word, when your word has meaning ... you create integrity and accountability which resonates deeply from within your being. People unconsciously will pick up on it.

In my experience true power lies in being willing to stand behind my agreements and to uphold my word with others... the value in making only agreements or promises that I am willing and intend to keep. By completing the agreements and promises I make I suddenly saw the diminishing circle of negative karmic retributions.

You may or may not have noticed how keeping your word builds trust and is like an invisible currency that follows you...but only wherever you go.

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I also have learned about inflation and behaviours that deflate my value. The value of my currency diminishes the more I begin to fail clearing up any broken agreements … the sooner the better. I found that failing to keep my time agreements not only inflates my own timing but also disrespects the timing of others.

It is a fine line to distinguish between guilt and responsibility and the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say NO because the only cross to bear is the one I choose to carry and that martyrs get burned at the stake.

Oh yes, then I learned about the path of love, loving what is.

Romantic love and familial love to start with… how to love.

You probably already know many stories to share from your own Path of Love .

To be continued


You could have easily written 5 articles with the ideas packed into this one. Hope to see more like this.

Agreed! Great read though :)

Thanks and yep, I agree ...there's more to come...step by step.

I am loving your blog!!! Peace and Blessings! What is wonderful is being able to look back and see the subtle signs of guidance by our Higher Selves. When I was still asleep, I was unaware of this. Now that I am awake, I can look at certain points in my life that I was being nudged, poked, maybe even screamed at. I was so programmed and nearly comatose, I had no clue. It's beautiful to pull out things like, pictures of Stonehenge (Earth's Heart Chakra) and know this was a turning point in my life...then on to the next and the next and now all the puzzle pieces fit together.....and I am truly FREE!!!!

Sorry for my late reply. I have been off site for a while.

Yep, you got it...always look for the signs ...(even when you can't see the forest because of the trees...) there's always a path. Happy travels along your journey