Type of Student and Reason to Be

in #blog7 years ago

The types of Indonesian students in the lecture and why they exist

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The world of lectures is not just limited in the campus environment or or the tasks assigned by lecturers only. Based on the reality as long as I sit on the bench of college first and also the results of looking into some sources of reading that can be said accurate haha, I want to describe some of the most frequent students we meet and some reasons why the creature is a campus.

1. Frontline Students

This is the most super student because it is always in the front seat, yupz as the name suggests they are always closest to the lecturer than the other friends. It is not known what their motive is to do so, which is certainly the main reason they are at the forefront is because they are late to class.

2. Students Know It All

This type of student is the most favored lecturer. Because of their ability in answering every question posed by the lecturer make them become the most shining in the class, especially if beautiful, guaranteed by mr. lecturer will ask him to continue hehe. Well why the beautiful one, the handsome where? Not glanced mrs. lecturer? Of course no, the handsome most dating or playin girls in the campus aka playboy, where had learned haha

3. Sleepy Students

Well, if the boys are banners like this. There must be one person in the classroom who looked sleepy and had time to fall asleep when the lecturer was explaining the course material. Based on a survey I've come across from a source that has been guaranteed its accuracy, the only reason why they sleep: because they are braking lol

4. Craftiness Student

Cruel student of this one, but relax first, they are not evil. It's just that if in the view of lecturers, this student is the least tapped because often ignore the lecturer when speaking in front. Imagine, this type is very see in playing hp his in class. They always have a way to be able to reply to chat from they lovely person or update the status in social media. For this one I will not explain the motives that they pass, can-be imitated the younger siblings who are still active college later haha ​​or even you are more clever yes hmm

5. Old Semester Students

His face is strange, rarely chatted, unknown. But apparently it looks more mature than us-we are classmates. Who is he? It's not necessary to discuss it, then on the sensian. I also lazy to review this one haha


I fit more in sleepy students😄

Dont do it again 😂