first I must make full disclosure...I am a BB user...go ahead...heap on me your scorn...your laughter...this is, after all a free for all platform. ~smiles~
Hate, a word over used...imo...when dislike can be used coupled with the word intensely to signify even stronger emotions. However the emotion, no matter what you call it has brought the passion in the heart that drives progress to much as the emotions of love and compassion.
I've enjoyed learning the genesis of this small computer I carry in my back pocket. I knew it would come when I had a Motorola flip phone. Thank you for posting this. It shows true competition and the inner drama of life of those we can never know. Emotion is the generator of sober thought...when used with some constraint.
~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~
Hats Off to you Sir
Thank for your time reading this..