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RE: The One Who Will Die

in #blog7 years ago

Fantastic post.
I believe Cersei is a goner, probably by Jamies hand, but I must admit I have no clue how.
I thought that Jamie would be completely pissed at the because of last seasons finale when she blow up the Sept using wildfire.
Jamie killed the Mad King because of his plans with wildfire and suffered being called kingslayer all his life. But he does seem completely in love with her.
I can't image Tryion killing her.

I also predict many deaths beyond the wall this season - Tormund, Beric, the Hound...


First of all, thank you for the great feedback!

Yeah I think all three of them will die as well, also little finger and varys maybe

Little finger yeah.. the tension in Winterfell is building around it it seems, probably Arya will do it with the dagger. But why? What could he do to piss her off? I mean Bran knows but he's not Bran anymore right, what does he care. He's supposedly only focused on the night king.
But Varys, why him? And by who? Nobody loves him, except for Tryion maybe, but he's so damn useful, to whoever he serves. Who do you think could kill him?

BTW, please do more posts on this topic :)