Hi @oaldamster!
Appreciate the mention and it is always great to hear about your experiences. I like the level of detail combined with the personal thoughts :-)
Personally I am amazed by what has been built during this bear market, especially the progress made on Bitcoin (BTC). For those not as deeply involved, it might seem that progress is only made on the 'exotic assets' or altcoins. Nothing could be further from the truth and I am psyched by the foundations that are being built by developing Bitcoin (BTC). Slowly but surely the world will understand what is actually being developed, besides it being 'just crazy internet money'.
Hi @cryptotem,
It is my pleasure, thanks for introducing me to Bluewallet and LNDwork. My first real experiences with Lightning Network, a second layer build on top of Bitcoin {BTC}.
Was unaware until I came across your tweet that this was already mainnet usable. Really fun to play around with, the speed is amazing and I really like the ease of use.
With Schnorr signatures and privacy to be implemented many great new things are still to come to Bitcoin {BTC}.
It is really awesome what it already has become and what great developements are still to come. We aint seen nothing yet. 😎👍