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RE: Try Googling "American Inventors" The Results Are Astounding - Reshaping History

in #blog7 years ago

Nothing will change until we, the normal, non-brainwashed people, take charge. Stop using google and its products as much as practicable, stop using FB as much as practicable. Get your news and information from reputable and objective alternative media sites. Share the attempts at destroying and/or revising our history, and everything that has made the Western Civilization great. But most of all, do not fail your children. DO NOT FAIL YOUR CHILDREN. Don't let your children become braindead zombies. Don't let your children be run over an Islamic protohuman. Teach your children to be vigilant. Teach them about taking responsibility and fighting the leftist tyranny. If need be, move to a safe country: Dead people can not fight. Our generation will need to be ready to fight, but it is our children, who will decide which way the tide will go. Be on the side of the living!


That is potentially why the decline is accelerating, the lack of interest that parents show for their children's education. My teacher friends complain about this trend constantly. Parents who tell them that it is the teacher's job to educate, not their own. Good luck with that attitude.