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RE: Bunnypuncher debate topic - Let's figure out: WEED (3 good entries will win 2 Steem each)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Back story before the discussion:
I will start by saying I smoke regularly including at this very moment. I can clearly remember my very first time, I don’t remember much this clearly. My friends peer pressured me into as always, said I needed to just chill out after I had wrecked my Jeep same day I bought it. I ended up zoning out on the camp fire for awhile only to have my friends come check on me because that was really strange behaviour from my normal back then. When they finally got my attention I immediately got angry but not because they had broken my attention but because as I said “why didn’t you make me do this sooner?” They all laughed which didn’t help, egged me on, but that’s besides the point. This was the first time I had ever felt “calm” that I can recall, until I started smoking I was chaos internally combined with frantic mentally. This was the summer between grade 10-11, I failed grad 10 but went back in 10 with vengeance completing 10 & 11 in one year. 12 was a breeze and I graduated on time with honours as the most improved student and highest marks in physics and electronics. I helped me at that point in my life.

When the shift takes place when you are no longer using the substance to aide your abilities (yes it makes you lazy but only when burnt out) but instead becoming dependent on it for day to day life things get complex.

So in short yes but with stipulations, such as screening and ready transition systems to move people into medicinal category. Many people including yourself would need to have a “pharmacist” walk you through how each strain and variation will affect you. Sativa responds differently then Indica and depending an how much an means of intake a difference in form may make the difference for comfort and enjoyment.

People will say recreational but that’s a wide array, using it before work is the same as being a drunk. There needs to be stipulations such as you start purchasing large amounts you need to talk to a professional and we need to have those “professionals” legitimized. I smoke only at night when it is time to power down, I have quit for weeks at a time only to find that real pharmaceuticals have extremely odd side effects and do not fill the void. Always I am left with that racing feeling and inability to focus which was the alarming conclusion I came to while staring at the campfire that one faithful night. I doubt I will ever purchase from a dispensary myself, I prefer to know the grower first hand or grow my own. Even though I only smoke at night the same as most people would have a beer after work I wouldn’t consider myself a recreational user though I could still gain ample supply through that gateway.

You see the problem is the definition of recreational, I personally think it needs to go full medicinal and completely decriminalized rather then just legalized. It’s a freaking herb ffs, salvia grows wild here in some areas hard to charge people for that herb. I would love to see someone even attempt to drive on salvia! Never been a charge of it because you are blackout with full blown hallucinations.

This will never happen because they cannot patent something that grows so abundantly, thus all the attempts to synthesize oils but they do not contain the same level of medicinal value unlike other drugs synthesized. Those drugs often being stronger then the original for medicinal effects and euphoria. All they have successfully amplified in the synthetic variants of weed is the euphoric effects lmao!

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Fantastic entry looks like winner number 1 is probably picked but never know. The contest rages on.

W00t W00t I did my grad 12 thesis on this subject so I could have dropped in all the backlog of data points but I felt a more personal touch would be better.

I called it the “lost herb in the war on drugs”, I now know first hand it does a world of good under correct use and each case is extremely subjectional just like antidepressants.

Good choice in topic, no you cannot go wrong with this one at all.

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I gotta try and do something cool after being a whining baby the last couple days. LOL

Even when a baby is scolded it is informed as to why otherwise it’s just bad parenting and the baby will not learn how to avoid the consequences.

Sorry to hear your battle is not over yet! I am watching and learning as this situation seems convoluted and tricky to get out of like quicksand.

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