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RE: Apparently It's Illegal to Publish Pictures of the Atomium

in #blog6 years ago

Thanks for the tip! I'll look into it a bit more, I just don't want to deal with possible legal issues. These guys don't f*** around I've heard, even going after small time bloggers etc.


If you live in Belgium, don't push your luck. I live in the Netherlands and any picture I take in open public space is fair game. It seems crazy to think that a press photographer would need permission to publish a picture of an event, like a Car crash, with that building in the background. (te zot voor woorden)

I don't see how they could prohibit it's use as I'm merely quoting Google, and in turn, Google merely recorded what was visible from an open public road.

Here is the direct link to this picture published by Google:,4.341547,3a,97.3y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!!2e7!3e27!!7i1080!8i728!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c3c3ac00000001:0x5293071d68a63709!8m2!3d50.894941!4d4.341547