Addressing Anger in Flow Writing

in #blog6 months ago

Teacher David,

I recently discovered an ability to enter a flow state where I write poetry and content that syncs together without me having to premeditate how it will sync (yet it does).

I have interpreted this as indicating that I am guided by the Creator to write the things I write based on my openness to His Guidance.

Having said that, Emafe and I have noticed that there is still hatred and anger in some of the content I write.

  1. Is it possible to be guided by the Creator (God) to write, even if some of that writing has anger and hatred in it still?

( other content like the Bible comes to mind )

  1. Is it possible to enter a flow state without having eliminated anger/hatred, ignorance and craving?

Seems I am entering a flow state easily but that I am doing so with an unenlightened mind. Does that make sense?

Thank you, Teacher.

Teacher David replies.

Hello Chris…sure, I will help you.

Teacher David,
I recently discovered an ability to enter a flow state where I write poetry and content that syncs together without me having to premeditate how it will sync (yet it does).
I have interpreted this as indicating that I am guided by the Creator to write the things I write based on my openness to His Guidance.
Having said that, Emafe and I have noticed that there is still hatred and anger in some of the content I write.

  1. Is it possible to be guided by the Creator (God) to write, even if some of that writing has anger and hatred in it still?
    ( other content like the Bible comes to mind )

Yes, but it is your own anger/hatred that is coming through.

God does not have any anger/hatred at all, so this is one’s own pollutions of mind that is coming through in your writing. Just like with the Bible.

  1. Is it possible to enter a flow state without having eliminated anger/hatred, ignorance and craving?


Seems I am entering a flow state easily but that I am doing so with an unenlightened mind. Does that make sense?

Yes, this is possible. As the mind is gradually awakening, there can be periods of time where things flow more easily in your life.

The qualities of Enlightenment gradually increase as the pollutions of mind are gradually decreasing.

What you are experiencing is normal.

Where you see anger/hatred/ill will, and all the lesser versions, apply Right Effort to eliminate those unwholesome qualities and arise wholesome qualities.

Thank you, Teacher.

You are welcome sir, pleased to help you.

Victoria joins the discussion.

Hello, teacher!

Could you please explain to me what a “flow state” is?

Teacher David replies to Victoria.

I suspect Chris is just referring to being able to easily write.... that his writing is "flowing" out of him.

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