After watching the recent study group on Chapters 1 - 10 of Volume 2, I have confusion around the clinging to the five aggregates.
I don’t really know how to describe my confusion, but something in the mind is shaken up.
What does an enlightened being experience when they listen to music or eat something like cake? I can’t imagine taking a bite of cake and not feeling pleasure. To never be able to enjoy cake again, actually sounds kind of sad but I suppose that is my unEnlightened mind clinging to the taste of cake.
Would an enlightened being still enjoy cake, the joy just wouldn’t start or end because of the cake? The mind would just understand that the cake is impermanent and have the capacity to feel joy before, during, and after eating cake?
Thank you for your input, Sir, I’m sure you’ve answered similar questions a bunch of times. I’m sure my unEnlightened mind isn’t the only one clinging to cake.
Teacher David replies to Greyson.
Hello Greyson…sure, I will help you.
After watching the recent study group on Chapters 1-10 of Volume 2, I have confusion around the clinging to the five aggregates.
I don’t really know how to describe my confusion, but something in the mind is shaken up.
What does an enlightened being experience when they listen to music or eat something like cake? I can’t imagine taking a bite of cake and not feeling pleasure. To never be able to enjoy cake again, actually sounds kind of sad but I suppose that is my unEnlightened mind clinging to the taste of cake.
Yes, it is challenging for the unEnlightened mind to understand what Enlightenment is and is not because, it is not experiencing it.
Would an enlightened being still enjoy cake, the joy just wouldn’t start or end because of the cake? The mind would just understand that the cake is impermanent and have the capacity to feel joy before, during, and after eating cake?
Yes, that is accurate.
An Enlightenment mind enjoys the cake, and all aspects of life. In the unEnlightened mental state, the mind can only have pleasure and enjoyment if it has the cake. If there is no cake, the mind experiences painful feelings. And the pleasant feelings arise, change, and fade away. They are only temporary, therefore, they are displeasing.
In the Enlightened mental state, the mind can have enjoyment whether it has the cake or not. If there is no cake, the mind still experiences enjoyment. The enjoyment does not arise, change, nor fade away. The enjoyment is permanent, therefore, it is fully satisfying and fulfilling.
The Enlightenment mind enjoys every aspect of life, no matter what is or is not happening. The Enlightened mind does not base its inner feelings on what is or is not happening, there are no conditional feelings. Therefore, one is experiencing permanent mental qualities of unconditional happiness and joy….always….permanently.
Thank you for your input, Sir, I’m sure you’ve answered similar questions a bunch of times. I’m sure my unEnlightened mind isn’t the only one clinging to cake
You are welcome, yes this is true.
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