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RE: “Where Attention Goes Energy Flows”

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

You two sure look happy.

There must be a lot of mutual compromises within your realtionship to reach a solid common ground.

Beautiful view from the office btw.
Also, I’m a huge fan of your dress.. blues are my favorite.

Best Regards,



Now THAT’S an interesting comment. First, I thank you for the compliments. ( new dress. I don’t usually wear these kind of blues, so thanks a bunch) We are very happy. But mutual compromises to reach this level of happiness... no. That’s not how we work.

Instead we have an agreement to be 100% honest with ourselves and each other, even when that’s uncomfortable. And we also have an agreement that Sean is the leader in our relationship. He listens to me, respects my desires and wishes and dreams and supports them, but if we disagree on a matter then we go His way. We are very happy with this dynamic. It brings both of us joy and happiness.

You’re welcome.

Oh I see. I can’t akways be correct with my intuitive assumptions. A clear leader in this divine union I now understand. It is obviously working, so proper execution has been made on both sides. You are lucky to have such a innerstanding mentor to guide you towards what is best. As you say “Even when it is uncomfortable.”