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RE: Why The Gun Violence in America Needs to Stop?

in #blog3 years ago

Only thing that should be illegal is commoditized medicine.

27 people died today from alcohol related driving accident and 95% of them were not drunk. 275 people died today from a pharmaceutical overdose but check this out: 1,300 people died today from tobacco related diseases.

No mention of that. Anywhere. Ever.

And I don't know anyone scared to leave their house.


Thanksfor the reply and giving some more ideas. In my view, people who are dying from tobacco, they are choosing it for themselves. However, about comoditized medicine, I will research about it, thanks for that info. In my view, gun violance creates fear among people who want to go to concert, parade, clubs, and public gathering. Even though I can aslo have gun with me to feel powerful, you never know how powerful gun the mass shooter has. From where you might get shot? It is unpredictable and make going out there unsafe. I think we as individual should work each other and understand well to work on a solution to avoid the heinous situations like kids are being mass shot in schools and even parks are being targeted now.

You're welcome. While you're buying into propaganda, look up those tobacco related deaths I mentioned; a staggering 8,000,000 (eight million) people die per year and you'll discover that nearly half of them don't smoke. So that shoots (no pun) your "they are choosing that for themselves" theory down. But media won't report that.

Also, you said:

Every other person knows someone who has been shot.

False—My wife is sitting across from me as I write this, neither of us know someone who's been shot.

The fear is absolutely real, I agree with you. We can thank you, them, Fox noose and everyone else for not doing something like scaring everyone into stopping smoking or big pharma or drunk drivers. Philip Morris, Kaiser Permanente, Jack Daniels etcetera won't stand for it. Considering we're one of the last countries with gun rights, I'm not surprised. Imagine if everyone was armed in Ukraine.

I have a nice collection of guns, they've not one time killed somebody. They can't—fact. They're incapable of pulling their own trigger.

Thanks for hearing me out and please don't take this personally. As much as I respect your freedom of speech and understand we're within our humanly rights to differ in opinion, I feel obligated to say what I think when I read anti-firearm material like you've posted.
