I think that babies need their mom's breast milk. To me there is no formula that can compete nutrition wise with mother's breast milk. With that said, Can you imagine that some doctor's told their patients not to breast feed?
Well I know cause it happened to my little sister. All of us siblings were breast fed, but in 1964 my mom's doctor told my mom to not breast feed my little sister.
Why would he do that? Was there something wrong with my mom's milk? No there was nothing wrong. I thought maybe she didn't produce milk was that my little sister was getting formula.
My little sister had to get a surgery at birth. Can you imagine the healing mother's milk she could have gotten if the doctor didn't tell my mom not to breast feed my little sister?
So, why did he tell my mom not to breast feed my little sister? Well, I would like to ask him that question face to face. He is probably dead now.
What I think happened was that he was getting a kickback by getting moms to give up breast feeding and start giving man made formula that cannot even compete with mother's milk.
In those days of 1964 people would listen to their doctors without question. We cannot stay in that place to put in jeopardy our children just so the doctor can get some kickbacks
Doctors are getting kickbacks even now. So if that is the case the doctors are acting in away that will give them kickbacks not caring for the patient.
We have to get to the point that doctors don't know it all and that it would be worth the time to ask them questions and I mean hard questions.
I have seen a guy with some kind of virus, not cancer, but the doctor put him on cancer type of chemo. That just makes me sick to think of that. I just read that the chemo kickback is really large.
Let's get back to breast milk. Breast milk is alive and man made formula is dead. Breast milk is free and formula cost money.
Now there may be times when a mother can not breastfeed. She is not producing enough milk or something like that, then it would be good to use formula.
I don't know if doctors still try to get moms to feed the new born formula or breast milk. If they are pushing for formula over breast milk, then you have to right to say, No.
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Thank you, David.
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Dear sir,Very beautiful articals thanks
Thank you @akhi003!
Good article!
Thank you @setik-001!
I agree with you.
Thank you @nadjette!
Very Good job sir..
Thank you @sumiat!