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RE: N.D.E. My Near Death Experience - Never Shared Before - The Future of Medicine and Healing?

in #blog9 years ago

Here's the thing. I was only 14. I was brought up in a deeply religious household with very clear imagery, characters, landscape etc. of what should be on the "other side". At 14, I believed all these images, characters etc, as being the reality of what one would see and encounter when one "dies". I had no reason to suppose otherwise. It was what I had been taught since birth. So, I think it would be fair to say then, if it all were a "dream" from my medicated and sick mind... wouldn't I have imagined these things I believed and had been taught? Because that is not what happened, that is not the experience I had. That's why, for myself, even though I can still doubt many things, it was as "real" as real can be. I still have way more questions than answers, believe me.@matherly Thank you for your feedback and sharing your personal experience. There are times still where I question the validity of my experience(s) and whether it really all was a delusion, a delirious dream imagined by a frightened mind.


I really have no question whatsoever the loud voice that woke me was certainly not imaginary, and if so, why would the only time I ever imagined somthing like that occur moments before my sister would call to tell me of dad'sbad news?
Not possible. It was external to me, it excited the auditory nerves in my ear in such a way that my brain would clearly decode it. VERY CLEAR, and loud. Not a whisper.