Special needs: Crypto

in #blog7 years ago

By: Carolina Pérez

The rise of Bitcoin and blockchain technology has opened up a whole new spectrum of possibilities,  among them, various types of new job opportunities. At first, it was all about the revolution of money but shortly, after everyone realized that blockchain is a technology that can be used in many ways not just digital money.

Cryptocurrency has made many people rich. Many of them might have never, earned so much wealth without crypto or many would have just waited their entire lives. Now we have many who won’t have people with financial security earlier in their lives. Crypto has given young people the opportunity to create wealth, earlier in life.

According to Medium.com, "When you look at the big picture, you realize there were a bunch of people who bought bitcoin at $10, or ether at $0.30, and these people now have a ton of money. Just this year, the market cap of all cryptocurrencies has increased $180,000,000,000.

Figure out what you need to learn so you can provide services and help these new millionaires, or figure out a way that you can contribute to this field with the talents you already have. Siphon off some of this money for yourself.”

With this tendency and a new way to make money brings with it the need for many things. I believe that knowledge and accounting are the two most essential subjects within the cryptocurrency world.

Cryptocurrency itself has many complicated details that most people don't understand, thus these need for specialized people who can explain to others. Another critical point is getting these skilled people into blockchain.

Last but not least, cryptocurrency has brought up the fact that accounting has brought up the fact that accounting has to be done or understood differently.  For those who have many bitcoins and altcoins, there will be a time when it's hard to keep track of names, wallets, and exchanges.

I see this problem in my job. My boss owns bitcoins and altcoins; some saved in different wallets and some in exchanges. Recently he decided that one of our accountants was going to handle his crypto assets. This was not an easy task. First, he came up with an easy way to organize his crypto, but also had to sit down and explain how bitcoin worked. This entire process was very draining and demands a lot of time. The necessity of having accountants that know how crypto assets work is essential.

I feel there is a growing field because of its demand, sooner or later people with lots of crypto will need help keeping track of the money and taxes. Those experts in blockchain I’m sure are very in demand nowadays.

Hope you enjoyed it, feel free to comment.

Originally posted on DavinciCodes.net