Ohhhh huitlacoche! Corn smut! Ustilago maydis - I've wanted to try it for the longest time, but it is difficult to get in the US. What does it taste like?
As I understand it the smut is considered a major blessing when it infects corn where eating the fungus is popular - but I think it still has pathogen status for much of the global industry in countries where folks don't much care to eat it.
Personally, I would pay a good amount of money for the opportunity to try a fresh batch. Was it very expensive?
@dber couldn't expect less from our resident mycologist! ;-)
It is kind of hard to describe the taste, but I reckon is one of those things like shrimp that have a mild taste and kinda take up the flavor of the things you cook them with. They are not expensive, and at least here in Xalapa (and Mexico City) you can find them easily in the markets.
I think I might be able to find these canned or pickled in my neighborhood in NY, but something tells me it would be a bad introduction.