Every individual differs and unique in her or his own manner. We use our senses to comprehend the world about us and every one of us finds one particular sense to become more powerful in that evaluation compared to another. There are different learning styles and all are about how learning is approached by every individual.
Learning styles are the ways that people do to interact, organize and think to do things. For an instance, with advancing technology, some people prefer to learn by online using videos and pre-recorded lectures whereas some group of students likes to learn by going to universities and like write notes and live in real world.
Scientists and psychologists have developed a number of different models to understand the different ways that people learn best. One popular theory, the VARK model, identifies four primary types of learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. Source
As per Howard Gardner research on learning styles, intellect is not fixed and that people can be intelligent in many areas and can learn in different ways. As per Gardner’s theory, there are seven different kinds of intelligence that would allow a teacher to teach in different ways rather than one.
1. Verbal (Linguistic Intelligence)
Some people have linguistic intelligence, providing the strength in different languages. People with linguistic Intelligence have the ability to express themselves and also good at understanding others. Some techniques used by verbal learners are mnemonics, scripting anything that involves both speaking and writing.
2.Mathematical (Logical Intelligence)
When people excel in numbers and are good in doing complex math problems like trigonometry without any calculators, then they are a logical learner. They recognize complex patterns easily and can connect seemingly meaningless concepts easily.
3. Visual (Spatial Intelligence)
For Visual learners, it is easy to understand diagrams, pictures, and concept map when compared to others. In teaching, if we use spatial teaching it makes easy for students to focus on meaning, reorganize ideas easily.
4. Physical (Kinesthetic Intelligence)
In this of learning people learn by doing things rather than reading or listening lecture. This kind of people is referred as do-ers.
5. Musical (Rhythmic Intelligence)
People with the ability to master tones beats as well as rhythms. Rhythmic learners have the ability to notice audible signals and catch them faster than others.
6. Interpersonal Intelligence
People with good social communication and developing relationships are with Interpersonal Intelligence. If your friends often visit you to listen and for any advice then you are a social learner.
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence
It is just quite opposite to the above one. We can also include introverts to this type of learning style. It is also a more dominant learning style in the list as being able to learn introspectively works well and one can improve their focus as many authors and researchers have a strong solitary learning style.
I'm a physical learner with intrapersonal intelligence. I focus better alone without the pressures and insecurities I unintentionally create when among others. This was an interesting article. Thank you
We see in the lessons you have given me that you are an excellent teacher.
I think you are definitely a phenomenon teacher
the 5th one is looking like the most wel one i really like it
. Musical (Rhythmic Intelligence)
People with the ability to master tones beats as well as rhythms. Rhythmic learners have the ability to notice audible signals and catch them faster than others.
ı am the mathematical one nice post :) @dcrypto
I think I am the visual one! :)..Thanks for a great post! Upvoted!
I love self study it makes me take extra effort in understand but once I do,it takes. I also like visual and audio too,I remember things quickly that way
ım musical
i think i am many of them .. just cant explain lol
I always study alone, because if I have some friend with me I know we will end up not studying at all!!
So I´m a mix betwen the 2.Mathematical (Logical Intelligence) and the 3. Visual (Spatial Intelligence)... because everytime I´m solving a problem I´m at the same time visualising it on my mind :D
A few but very much a visual physical learner , that's why I went into circus and dance . . . But I'm getting more comfortable with rhythm sound and even writing !
I do best to commit data to my mind when I read and copy or note take along, however my best tool for rote memorization is using rhythm.