One of my problems that slows me down.

in #blog8 years ago

One of my problems that slows me down.

Automatic Sequence Trap


Most people try to be consistent in their actions, words and thoughts. There are three reasons for this:

  1. Consistency, as a rule, is highly appreciated by surrounding people and is associated with intelligence, rationality, stability and honesty, while inconsistency is considered a negative feature of the individual. It comes to the fact that in some cases the sequence of behavior receives more approval than rightness.

  2. Consistent behavior contributes to the solution of various tasks of daily life.

  3. By acting consistently, a person relieves himself of the need to evaluate newly arrived information and can act on the basis of earlier decisions, which saves him from the additional costs of his efforts.

The decision to adopt a certain position or to assume certain obligations, even if it is erroneous, tends toward "self-support." People are starting to come up with new reasons and excuses to stay on their occupied positions, even when circumstances change. As a result, the chosen line of behavior turns against them.

It also happens that the person himself for some reason forces himself to take a certain position, and, despite the undesirable consequences for himself, continues to adhere to it. In particular, the trap of "loyalty to one's own ideals" is a kind of "automatic sequence trap".

I always think that my friends will consider me naive fool who believes in fairy tales about successful entrepneurs. Trying to get rid of rhis shit.


My previous posts:
You always have something to do

WCX ICO - SCAM or Prospective project?

Starting my adulthood.

I am not businessman yet

Report for June from young russian entrepreneur

Starting blog of a young Russian businessman from Russia


Interesting stuff Danil! You clearly have a lot of drive and I'm sure with hard work you'll meet those goals you talked about in your blog introduction

If I had to offer a solution to this problem, I may suggest changing your environment to give you better perspective - especially traveling and meeting new people.

Thanks for advice. I am really going to change my environment. Going to move in Moscow soon and meet entrepreneurs there.