Nice to see you back on the site. It can be very time and energy consuming, that's for sure. So everyone seems to take a break now and then. Think you have to. I've been on here going on 3 years, and have taken a couple Sabaticale de' Steem as well. Though fun, it can be relentless. But what fun!
They make an Irish cream Tourani (sp?) flavoring. Tastes similar. Probably too much sugar, but good in a sparkling water things, like La Croix. And I think if you made your own actual Bailey's wannabe, you could leave out some of the alcohol.
They call them Bum Bags in countries like NZ and Australia, etc. More appropriate, I guess. I learned that the hard way in NZ. Going on about my Fanny Pack. Got the worst looks from folks in public, before being told about it. In the U.S. it's just another name for your posteriorii. Live and learn (and turn red now and then...) I guess. But they are SO handy, no matter how much grief people give you. I have about 10 different ones. Think it comes from working in the woods over the years. A great thing to carry necessary stuff in. Cheers, to a Tuesday night in the middle of the night.