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RE: All I Want For Christmas Is... YOU!

in #blog5 years ago

I like the way you think. All the true wonders of Christmas gifts. And I also hope your neighbor wakes up, and realizes that some other people like to sleep in past ten minutes after the birds wake up. Ah, another grand part of life, good sleep and for a looong time toward the noon hour. The food one goes without saying. Well, I hope all your dreams can come true. And your holiday is a grand one, no matter what happens in this department. Cheers and merry early Christmas from the rainy side of things...


DD!!!! How are you?! How things are going there? Snowing already? How's HH? Is cousin That covered in snow already? Are the apples frozen? Did Wilson lost weight? Are you ready for paddling tons of snow? Are you gonna keep the traditional post of "name the firework'? So many questions! hehehe
Happy holidays!!