You should make a post at some point about your time in the military, could be interesting getting some perspective on a foreign countries military service :)
Also, I think you're going in the right direction with the jogging/walking and melatonin. Another suggestion I could make is maybe taking some benadryl after you've tired your body out with the jogging. I've been using it to help me retain some semblance of normal sleeping hours for the past month or two. I just take 50MG's before bed and it usually helps me stay down for at least 6 hours.
You know, besides your issues and my own, there's quite a few people I've met on here that don't seem to be able to get much sleep, or they just have odd schedules all together. I really wouldn't be shocked if it ever came out that a large percentage of Steemit users have sleep disorders of some kind, lol.
caused by Steemit, lol.