Ethereum Blockchain Congestion! FUD: We are all going to die!!!

in #blog8 years ago

"We are all going to die!!!" - F. U. Spreader


"It's true." - Anonymous Orange

But seriously guys, what's going on?

Is ETH the new BTC aka suck and stuck, fee or pee?

Where's EOS to save us? (*)
message to subconscious #1:buy eos, buy eos, buy eos
message to subconscious #2:from me ;)

I know that ETH has all that fancy ICOs, smartcontracts, etc. (sic!)
But when it comes to simple money transfers STEEM is best.
Or would be.

We need Fiat <-> STEEM gateways.

@charlieshrem, are we there yet?

(*) I'm not getting paid (or anything that rhymes) for adv, I'm just making fun of that hypecoin ;)