Hi everyone i just thought i should talk about this and try to impact and or lay down ways to avoid being intimidated or looking intimidating to others.
Some people are intimidated by you, by your attitude, by your dressing and the way you talk, walk or eat.
Yeah its the truth infact you can be intimidating to some people without you knowing, they are always very uncomfortable whenever you are around.
These kind of feeling from others may be as a result of:
*. Envy
*. Hate
Envy in this situation is divided into 2, which are P-Envy and N-envy.
*.P-Envy is when that person put you as a point of focus, where whatever you do or wear is something they would also want to do or wear. This type of people are friendly and always look out for your next move. They just love everything you do, its also a platform for them to grow.
*.N-Envy is the opposite of P-Envy in this situation the person in question will always find fault in whatever you do, they will critisize and talk behind your back. They might be friends with you, they are just there to keep up with what you are doing in order to keep critisizing you.
This type of people always forget to analyze themselves and that will hinder their own personal growth.
*.Hate is a situation where the person in question totally dislike your personality, normally due to the fact that you are above them or because they see you have potentials.
Its a situation where the person wish every bad thing in life happen to you, if its something they can do to make bad thing happen to you they will do it. This are those you should mind and run away from them, in this situation if there is no means of running away from them its best you intimidate them.
As the saying goes "Attack is the best form of defence."
Therefore it is important to be mindful of our environment, work place and neighbourhood, do not just assume its this person's nature it might be the way you carry yourself or some stuff you do intimidate them.
Go to them engage them in a sincere conversation and clear their understanding of you. Likewise if you feel intimidated by someone's personality goto the person and talk to them.
Let them know how you feel about them and talk things out, you never can say your assumption about them might be totally wrong.
Thanks for reading till tomorrow.