in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Hello Dear Steemians , Sorry it has been a while I have had a lot to take in this past couple of weeks.

So today I want to give you all an update on my beautiful Mother .

She had her finally assessment to get the exact results from said Cancer where they thought it was in the Lymph nodes. How wrong was we !.


So Last week we went to the see the Oncologist at the hospital for the full results from her Bronchoscopy supporting my mother was Myself , my Grandmother , and my brother all sat in the Room eagerly waiting for the Doctor to call my mother in .



" Kathleen O'brien " we heard in a stern Voice ,

We all looked at each other Knowing this was the moment we we're to find out the horrible truth of my mothers outcome .

We all stood up and I grabbed my mothers hand , She squeezed my hand but not breathing a word

I knew and felt how terrified she was without any WORDS muttered , I whispered It's okay mum Go on in We are all right with you .

We went into this small room where there was 5 Chairs in a horseshoe shape around the doctors Desk and we walked over and took our seats , Mum sat next to the desk the me then my grandmother and then brother.
The Oncologist then took her seat and the peter the Macmillan support team next to her .

Hello Kathleen " I am Laura " she pressed on to say .

so We have been going over your test results from PET scan and bronchoscopy I cut to the Chase and tell you exactly what we found . From that moment the look on her face said it all , I knew right there it was not good news....


After a short pause in her Voice

she said I'm affraid it is not good news Kathleen The cancer is in fact not in your Lymph node it is back in your lung
Where the previous Cancer was , Now we need to figure out what we can do for you she went on to explain the in's and out's of this Horrible decease .

Adenocarcinoma Lung cancer is what you have

It is in STAGE 3 but I'm affraid we cannot operate on it , we also cannot give you radiation again because of the previous radiation scar tissue that is there it just will not fight the Cancer ,
Now being in stage 3 I am sorry to tell you that it is just not curable .

Mum instantly replied to her with ( HOW LONG HOW LONG DO I HAVE LEFT TO LIVE ) ,
The doctors held my mothers other hand and replied


My gut ached I wanted to CRY , but i didn't I continued to Squeeze my mum's hand tighter . aching inside I just wanted to scream so loud , Why why my mum , she does not even smoke


Mum asked please is there anything you can do ANYTHING I'm only 58.......

Laura said they is NOTHING WE CAN DO TO CURE YOU , We have been testing your old tumour on IMMUOTHERAPY test drugs But it is not responding to the drugs ,but we can start you on * Chemotherapy * to Prolong your life as long as possible

It will be 4 sessions with a 3 weeks gap in between each CHEMO treatment .. Mum signed the chemotherapy consent form And then told the first session of chemo will be on the 2nd of may.

The rest of the conversation was a blur ...




Over the course of the week we spoke deep about what if's the reality , doing research online , and the Horrible one Preparing for her death ! seeing that words makes me cry deep inside because my mother is my best friend I don't want to loose her but know it is going to happen so much sooner than anyone ever wishes for or plans for ,
We started Her on CBD THC oils straight away and started to make her bucket list ,
After it had all sunk in and we let all the family know and my Children we set out to let everyone else know the results

I set to facebook where I wrote :

Okay at the request of my mother Kathleen O'brien she has asked me to tell you all , we have been quiet due to having family time taking in the news together but its now time to explain the RESULTS ... it was not good news and she now has the cancer back in her LUNG , it is not curable and is TERMINAL , they have said 15 months tops . and she will be starting chemo , cannot have radiation or an operation as she asked for a 2nd opinion , but was verified she cannot have it , , we are going to be getting cbd and thc oils and enjoying every minute we have , yes we have hit a brick wall , but doesn't mean we cannot enjoy the time we have , PS MUM YOU ARE MY ROCK I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY AND WE WILL DO EVERYTHING AND BUY EVERYTHING WE CAN WE WILL FIGURE IT OUT.


The next day i was sent some videos :
The costuming community I star wars costume with uk garrison and rebel legion set out to help with mums bucket lists and a shopping trip of a life time they set up a Crowdfunding page just for mum to which at the moment is at £670 , I cannot thank everyone enough for the amount of support they are showing my mum

LINK TO CROWDFUNDINGhttps://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/donna-and-kathleen?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Yimbyprojectpage&utm_content=donna-and-kathleen&utm_campaign=projectpage-share-owner&utm_term=gYBXw89GM


SO much support from people AFAR , even videos from famous people were sent to my mum to support her in her upcoming battle against stage 3 lung cancer
A message from STEPHEN CALCUTT ,


I set out on a mission to make my mum smile as much as possible No matter how hard this is and believe me I am broken inside truly broken , But I have to stay strong for mum .

on a daily base I have been doing small things for my mum to surprise her , with Helium Balloon placed outside her house , gifts , trips for COSTA COFFEE as she loves her hot chocolates from there .



I have been doing her hair pampering her and making her feel loved and special BECAUSE she is


Then the conversations came up about LOOSING HAIR

The doctor told my mum after about 10 days of the first chemo session she will more than likely Start to loose her beautiful long hair
So I said to my mum ....

It is ok mum Hair is just hair and if the time comes where you do start to loose it I am going to join you and


to amuse you and make you know that hair is not important and that is exactly what I am going to do ,


Birthday Girl

So on the 20th April she turned 59 so much love was shown on her birthday she was spoilt rotten with pandora charms for her bracelet , flowers , balloons gifts , candles .


Writing this is all a blur to me right now everything is still going round in circles round my head about the whole outcome


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If you enjoyed this content, then why not donate some bitcoin or ethereum ALL DONATIONS WILL BE GOING TO CANCER RESEARCH AT CHRISTIE'S
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take donations in the form xvg dgb and ripple too that costs much less for sending. :) hope you take my advice into consideration.

Hello @learner365 what is xvg dgd ? , I don't think I have heard of that

@deeviras they are also cryptos where the transfer fee be 0.1$ and they transfer in less than 3-4 minutes.

Oh I did not know that , I will look into it later on and see what I can do , Thank-you kindly for your advice @Learner365

Be well. Stay strong. :)

we will we have no choice but too :) , @mikesthoughts

Life rarely gives us choices in the situations that come up. Nothing ever gets better, difficulties are always changing, we just learn how to deal with it better :)

Very true , and very heart breaking at the same time x @mikesthoughts

The world has taught me many things. Usually, in the end it gives as much as it takes. At least we gotta believe it will :)

So very sorry to hear this. We lost my mother in law six months ago to cancer and my wife was very close to her. It sounds like youre doing everything you can.